19. Grief

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Y/n pov

1 week later

It's been a week since Adrien's death and things are no longer the same.
I'm not smiling anymore, I'm not eating or sleeping anymore and I have been isolating myself from everyone. I'd rather be alone, I feel alone, even though Alya and my other friends are supporting me but I still feel alone without Adrien.

And I have even caused self harm and tried attempting suicide but it's hopeless, I couldn't do it.

Right now I am sitting on my bed in the dark, wrapped in my favourite blanket, wearing a cat hoodie Adrien got me, looking at my scars on my arms.

The only sound that was heard in my room was my sniffles and quiet sobs.
Until it got interrupted by a soft knock on my door.

"Y/n? It's me, Alya." A gentle voice spoke from the other side of the door. Then the door opened, small light entering the room. Then my mattress slightly sank as Alya sat beside my laying figure wrapped in my favourite blanket like a burrito.

"Girl, I know that you are very upset about Adrien's death but it's been a week. I know that you love him, but it's time to let go. You're just going through grief. Everything is going to be okay." She said softly as she rubbed my back.

How could she say that?!
This is ADRIEN we are talking about!
How could she say such thing when she is his friend?!

I sat up and glared at her.

"How could you fucking say that?! He is your friend! How could you just move on that quick like it's nothing?! That just sounds so damn fucking careless of you saying that about his loss! How would you fucking like it if I did the exact same thing if you were the one who died or if you were the one in love with the one who fucking died?!" I snapped as tears fell down my eyes.

She was speechless. She was shocked. She said nothing.

"Y/n I-" before she could finish, I spoke again.

"And don't ever say to me that everything is going to be okay! You don't know what's its fucking like to be me or go through what I have gone through and what I am still going through! And you'll never fucking understand me like Adrien does!! You'll never be as close to me as Adrien is! And I will never fucking trust you just as much as I trust him!! He understands me and supports me in a way that we can both manage!!" I yelled.

"I understand y/n. I know you're in pain! I'm sad about his loss too. But you just have to let go on live on!" She replied back half yelling.

I have had enough of listening to her.

"Just go.." I said lowly.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"I fucking said go! Get out and go away! Just leave me alone if you can't be a real friend, if you can't do the job of being my friend properly!" I yelled as tears fell down my eyes.

She just stood there, tears falling down her face in shock.
I was getting really impatient and used my powers to make her body slide out of the room, closing and locking the door behind her.

Who the fuck does she think she is?!
Has the fucking nerve to tell me what to do!! She is not a real friend!!

I buried my face in my knees, until a purple butterfly flew into my necklace.

" Lady Secret. I am hawkmoth.
I give you the power to make everyone to reveal their deepest secrets and make everyone hate each other. But in return, I ask for the miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir." Hawkmoth spoke.

I smirked.
I can get my revenge on Alya.

" We have a deal Hawkmoth." I evilly smirked as I transformed into my villain outfit.

Your villain outfit but just pretend it's you not Marinette

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Your villain outfit but just pretend it's you not Marinette. And ignore the strings.

I then flew out of my window and searched for where to start.

I need to start making people fight to bring Ladybug's attention to bring her to me.

I thought to myself as I was flying over the streets of Paris.

I then saw two friends walking in the park.

Hmm let's start there. Even when they are best friends, it'll be a great start.

I smirked to myself as I flew towards the two girls.

I then sprinkled purple dust over them and the magic happened.

"You know, in secret, I am secretly friends with the popular rich girls, without telling you." One girl said smirking. The other one got really mad.

" How could you do this to me?! We are best friends! I told you to stay away from them! They are nothing but brats!" The other friend yelled.

"You can't just judge someone by how they look!! Besides you aren't in control of who I can and can't be friends with!! I can have other friends too! You are just nothing but jealous!!" The girl argued back.

Then their magic of friendship sucked out of them as they argued and I fed on it, gave me more power.

"Good job Lady Secret. Now we just need to cause more drama to get Ladybug's attention." Hawkmoth spoke.

I then flew somewhere else to cause more drama.

I then dropped by a teen couple by the bridge.

Good idea.

I then sprinkled my purple dust over them.

"The truth is, I was going to cancel on our date so I could spend time with my friends." The boy spoke. The girl got mad and upset.

"What?! How could you betray me like that?! I thought you love me!!" She yelled. I then fed off their love.

Now I'll go get Cat Noir's ring until Ladybug arrives.

To be continued...

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