18. Ceremony

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This will probably be bit short.... Sorry.


"This isn't your fault y/n. Your dark side had complete control of you. Just remember that we are here for you.
But one day we know that.... A special moment will come to your life." he smiled.

Special moment?

What does he mean by that?

I asked myself.

Before I could ask her what she meant, the touched my forehead and it went black.




Y/n pov



I faintly heard as someone was shaking me.

I opened my eyes, and felt dry tears on my cheeks from crying so much.

Infront of me were the other heroes except for Cat Noir since my dark side killed him.

Just the thought of his name made me cry again. But worse.

As soon as I cried, Queen Bee aka my cousin Chloe hugged me tightly.

" I know y/n, I know. But it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself." She said, choking on her tears.
I just cried in her shoulder until my sobs died down.

I moved away from Chloe and looked behind me where Cat Noir was laying dead, lifeless.

" What do we do now?" Carapace asked.

They all looked at each other and then me.

" We do something for Adrien. But not a goodbye because true friends and lovers don't say goodbye." I replied.

I then walked over to Cat Noir and looked at his lifeless body.
I then picked him up bridal style and flew down the Eiffel Tower.

Later... By the park...

It is now raining and all of Paris is like at the park, all holding candles and posters of me and the heroes of course including Cat Noir.
Me, the other heroes and Adrien's parents were standing at the front of the crowd with our backs to them, standing hand in hand.

Infront of us was a statue of all of us heroes but me, Cat Noir and Ladybug were in the centre as we are the main three heroes.
And below it was photos of Cat Noir, black roses, candles and a plushie of Cat Noir. 

Then we all stood there in silence.

This was playing in the background during the funeral ceremony.

It's been an hour since the ceremony was over but I remained by the statue.
Tears falling down my eyes.

"Oh kitty, if only you were here with me right now. Continuing as a hero won't be easy for me without you. " I spoke as I looked at the statue.

I then placed the miraculous box which held Cat Noir's ring by the photos, roses and candles by the statue.

I looked at the statue one last time.

" Life won't be the same without you."

I frowned and flew away to home.

To be continued...

Vampire Idol  (Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now