22. Hawkmoth's defeat

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Now what?" Ladybug asked, looking at Cat Noir. He then looked at me.

"Now... We fix everything, starting off with putting an end to Hawkmoth." I said softly.

"But.. where is Hawkmoth?" Ladybug asked.

"I know. Because he is someone I know." Cat Noir said in a Stern voice.
We then followed Cat Noir.


At the Agreste Mansion

"So, where is his lair?" Ladybug asked, looking around.

"That.... I don't know unfortunately " Cat Noir grumbled.

"Let's look around.  There must be some item that is out of place. Like a book on a shelf or hidden buttons." I said, starting to search. Then they also started searching.

I was looking at the large photo of Emile and in the picture, there were different colour squares.
And some colour squares that were close together, looked 3D, out of its place.

"Hey guys! I think I found it!" I called out and they approached me. I then pressed onto the squares and then we were lowered into some empty lair.

"Good job y/n, you found it!" Cat Noir smiled.
We then started looking for Hawkmoth.

We then saw him. He had his back turned to us.

"Father, please stop this." Cat Noir pleaded. Hawkmoth turned around and looked at Adrien with shock.

"Adrien? But.... how?" Hawkmoth asked in disbelief.

"Master Fu used the spell i used to bring back y/n. You don't need to keep doing this anymore. We have me and mum back. Even if I wasn't brought back to life yet,  if you made a new wish to bring me back, someone else would die in return as a consequence." Cat Noir said.

I then walked towards Hawkmoth.

"He is right, things don't need to be this way anymore. You guys are one happy family again. You don't need to keep chasing after the miraculouses and causing akumas." I smiled.

"Y...you're right. This was so wrong for me but I just wanted my wife and son back." Hawkmoth frowned.

"And its okay. Things are back to normal now." Ladybug smiled.

Hawkmoth then detransformed.

"It was nice knowing you Nooroo" Hawkmoth smiled.

"You too Mr Agreste. " the kwami smiled and Gabriel then removed the miraculous.

He then gave it to me.

"Now, our final mission is to return this to where it belongs." I said and then me, Ladybug and Cat Noir made our way to Master Fu.

At Master Fu

"Thank you so much for returning the miraculous of Hawkmoth.  Although there will be no more akumas, you shall continue your hero lives as there can still be danger out there." Master Fu said.

"We understand. Thank you Master." I bowed and then we left.


Me, Ladybug, Cat Noir and the other heroes were sitting on a rooftop, watching the sunset,  chatting and laughing. This is our mini celebration of our successful mission. 
I was holding hands with Cat Noir while we were watching the sunset, with my head resting on his shoulder.

Once the sun was completely down, we all head home.
While on my way home, it started raining, and got heavier.
As I passed an alleyway, I saw a box and it said on it 'rescue me'. I went into the alleyway and approached the box, opening it to see a small white cat with blue eyes. The cat was so beautiful (it was a girl)

"Hello there. Looks like you have been abandoned.  I'll take you home and take good care of you. I smiled to the cat as I picked her up.

At home

I dried myself off and also the cat. I then took a hot shower and got changed.


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I then grabbed some wet cat food and some milk for the cat. Me and my aunty/uncle kept pet food in case of emergencies.

While the cat was eating, I was thinking of a name for her.

"Hmm... how about Luna?" I asked the cat.

"Meow" she responded.
"Luna it is." I smiled.

I then head back downstairs to grab something to eat. Plus something for Kitti to eat.

After I finished eating i crawled under my covers, turning the lights off.

"Meow" Luna meowed, walking onto my bed.

"You wanna sleep with me Luna?" I asked, patting my stomach. Luna then laid on my stomach and Kitti laid next to my head.
I then soon drifted to a peaceful sleep.

To be continued...

I'm sorry for taking so long to make new chapters. I'm in year 11 this year and it's only week 4-5 and I'm getting homework quite often, plus I'm going through a lot of drama with my ex girlfriend and my ex best friend. 

Hope you enjoyed it.
Sorry it wasn't as long.

Vampire Idol  (Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now