Chapter 38

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Since the rising cases of the pandemic,the exams has been extended soooooI guess I can update more? 😂

And, I say I would study

But I didn't😭Instead I've been hooked up on a game...

Genshin Impact anyone?

Anyways, this chapter sucks a lot as I will be combining 2 episodes into one
And after that it will be the usual


I can't wait for you guys to read the special I've made😂😂

N e ways

Let's continue


"Hey, Haru..."

"Is something the matter, Kotone-chan?"

Nanami was busy writing the duet song but soon stopped when Kato had called out to her.

"It's Syo and Yama-- Hyuga Yamato's turn, right?" The aquamarine haired girl asked as she was staring up at the ceiling while sitting on a chair.

"Ah, yes. But..."

"Hyuga's not giving cooperation, right?"

"Eh? How did you know?"

"Hm? Gut feeling." Kato sat up and headed towards the door, "Good luck, Haru."

"Ah... Thank you."

When Kato closed the door, Nanami was confused. Is she okay?

Few days later, after their recording, Kato was told that Kurusu and Hyuga Yamato would be participating in the Muscle Fight.

"So far, nothing bad has happened... It's just that Yama-yama is not giving cooperation. But I think Syo can handle it." She said to no one when she was composing with QUARTET NIGHT's decisive concert's song.

"Hm, should I go?"

And during the day of the Muscle Fight, she did appear, but only at the end since she was running late due to having a face-time meeting with QUARTET NIGHT who was on tour.

Apparently, Hyuga had done a number on Kurusu but he was still well and all, though he looked really injured.

"I really should teach him how to fight." She sweatdropped and continued watching.

"An idol..." Both Kurusu and Hyuga raised their fists and both landed a punch. "Makes everyone smile, and carries the burden of those smiles!"

When Hyuga gasped as he saw an image of his older brother, he was kicked in the chin by Kurusu and landed harshly on the ground.

"Ugh... Carries the burden of those smiles?" Hyuga slowly stood up and let out a soft chuckle while preparing a fighting stance, Kurusu doing the same.

"Let's keep fighting, Hyuga Yamato."

"Of course, Kurusu Syo!"

When the song ended, the two of them were kneeling on the ground, exhausted.

"You heard our song, right?" Kurusu said with a tired tone, "Wasn't it so passionate and awesome?"

"That was just a hallucination." commented Hyuga with the same tone.

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