Chapter 49

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Ack! I'm really sorry for not updating guys!!!

Lost all the motivation but this is finally the last chapter!

Thank you everyone for all the support! 😊

Without further ado, let's get into it!



Kotone looked through her window as the fireworks had stopped a while ago. She placed her hand on the window before let out a soft sigh, mist covering a small part of the window due to the cold.

"I hope my song can save them..." She started to slowly trace the mist. "And I hope, everything will go well for them."

She looked up at the night sky, "Since it's going to be Christmas soon... Santa, I don't wish for a lot. But... I wish that everyone will have fun during the decisive concert. And that their feelings will reach the audience's hearts through their music."

Kotone stopped tracing and headed for bed, not before switching of the lights, and snuggled herself in her blanket and soon fell asleep.

The moonlight slowly shine through Kotone's window, showing what she had traced through the mist.

It was a treble clef and a few tiny words below it.

'Good luck, everyone.'


24th of December.

A special day to everyone.

Christmas Eve.

The day of the decisive battle.

And the day where everything will finally be settled.

Nervousness. Excitement. Worried.

That's what the three idol groups are feeling right now.

However, only one person did not know how to feel today.

She was standing by the entrance with her luggage as she waited for a taxi. It was early in the evening and everyone had already headed to the stadium.

"Are you sure about this, Miss Kato."

Except for two people.

Kato Kotone and Shining Saotome.

Kotone let out a small laugh and answered the now ex-president without looking at him, "I'm sure."


Kotone was looking out the window as she saw STARISH were on one of the roofs talking with each other. Probably about the concert later. She let out a sigh and was about to continue with her packing when she gotten a call.


Answering the call, she greeted her friend who doesn't usually call first.

"Kotone, we need your help."

"Help? With what?" Confusion was written all over her face as she sat on top of her bed and continued chatting.

"Since the president wouldn't allow us to perform in the concert, we were wondering if you could-"

"-Help you sneak in? Sure."

"Sneak- wait what."

"Yeah. I'm sure all of you want to compete with QUARTET NIGHT and STARISH, and perform on the stage too. So, why not lend a helping hand to a friend?" Kotone chuckled and the others who heard it from the other line sighed in relief.

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