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Ashana pov .

I only agree for this marrage for my family sake and as far as I him  he is ideal obedient son so its not big deal for him to agree but now I want only one thing that is revenge he rejected me  that also like that now I have to tell him who Ashana Rathore is . He thing I am rich spoil brat right now I let him see what can this spoil do . just wait and watch .
But I  now I have to made everything clear to Ryhaan . Anyway its not a big task to handle mamma boy . I don't know who made him king . Always listen others .

Now all the member made me do some stupid ceremony I hate this so I have made some excuse about health and I got save from them .

All the guest see me as I am some showpiece . stupid people but I think my husband's grandparents family is not happy with me his uncle and aunt look sad(mama, mami )as if I am care .

Do whatever they think about me I don't give dame about them but I know my mom give me lecture but its ok  she is innocent cannot think bad about others . I will manage her

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