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Reyhaan and Ashana come out from cabin and go to lift but a sound stop them and it's no other than Janvi .

Janvi : Reyhaan can I join you in lunch as I am feeling alone in the office .

Reyhaan wanted to say no but how can the humble person can no to his cousin so he said yes .

Through Ashana like this weird girl but don't say anything .

At restaurant .

Reyhaan asked waiter for table and they give them
Ashana about to sit beside Reyhaan but before her Janvi sit beside him . So Ashana took other sit but confusedly look at Janvi for her weird

In a time waiter come to take order 
Ashana give her order .

Reyhaan about to give order but Janvi cut him and give order behalf Reyhaan .

Janvi : Reyhaan I know about you see I give order your favorite dish .

Reyhaan smile politely .

Ashana mind : Weird .

Janvi started talking with Reyhaan about many which many have no sense .

Reyhaan in mind : Today I thought to spend sometime with my wife but see now I am listening nonsense of my cousin what a fate I got .

Ashana in mind : see how he smile time to time to her  stupid . I am feeling like break his all teeth in one punch .

Ashana brain : Are you jealous ?

Ashana : jealous and me . I am Ashana Rathore you think I will be jealous with this weird stupid girl .

Ashana brain : Egoistic woman . One day your ego will destroy you, stupid .

Ashana : Shut up, You are stupid not me .

Ashana brain : we two are same person , you lost your mind you quickly need a phycologist lady .

A sound made her come out of her own land

Reyhaan : What happened where are you lost .

Ashana : Nowhere , I am finished let's go .

Reyhaan : yes , let's Go .

In car again Janvi do the same thing she sit on passenger seat beside Reyhaan so Ashana have to take back seat .

Ashana in thought : What is the problem of this girl  why she is so clingy with my husband . One minute, one minute Where is my husband come from Ashana ? You are the one who said one behave like husband wife outside otherwise we are nothing . And after sometime we take divorce .

Remembering all this unknowingly Ashana become sad

After a few minute  they reach office a person look at them first smile then frown . The Person is no other than Akash Ahaan Rathore .

Ashana : Akash . What a surprise ? You are here .

Reyhaan : From today he is joining here as a intern .

Ashana : welcome Akash and Best of luck I hope you will do your best .

Akash: Thanks

Then all go to there respective work .

Akash himself: Janvi Rajput here means troubles also here , but what she doing . I have to find out .

In Reyhaan cabin
Reyhaan is working but his is somewhere else

Reyhaan : why always me ? MY poor fate  . I think nobody want me to be with my wife . First time she invited me to lunch with her but me was gossiping with my cousin .

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