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So I'm back again y'all, it's been years and I've had to grow up a lot lately so that's why I haven't been posting on Wattpad but I'm back baby! Enjoy 😉

At the bus shelter, many a humans pushed and shoved through each other, in a hurry to get nowhere special but still in a hurry to get there.
In my own panic these little humans almost seemed like ants, as I too was stomping through the crowds hurriedly trying to find the bus that would take me home.

"Excuse me sir?" A shy voice sounded from somewhere behind me, I would've ignored it thinking it not for me if I hadn't felt the delicate hand on my shoulder. I stiffened and turned my head to look at the tiny woman behind me in an air stewardess uniform. She smiled a great smile and nodded her head in front of us. "If you're lost sir, the shuttle times are on the board up there" she pointed at a huge electronic board with town names and times beside them.

It took just a moment to find my bus and with a tiny grateful nod in her direction I was off again. At the ticket station the man seemed moody, as if he'd rather be any place but there right then. I couldn't blame him for it though. I'd give anything to be somewhere else right now too.

Finally settled into my seat in the very back of the shuttle bus, my muscles finally seemed to relax a little. Panic was still running through my veins and every scenario that played through my head got worse and worse.

What had happened? Dad had said Wolfsbane? Wolfsbane.... Aconite.... that smell...

It couldn't be.

Had both our packs been attacked on the same day by the same poison? This couldn't be a coincidence. Just what was going on? Was this bigger than any of us even thought? Adding stress to the line of troubles at my feet I popped headphones into my ears, huddled down into the seat with my backpack and listened.


A sharp jolt and a scratchy voice recording woke me from my slumber. A little disorientated I looked around out the windows and felt a little bit of fear shoot through my spine. I recognised these woodlands, these roads, these houses, even this bus shelter we had stopped at.

I was home.

Without another thought I got out of my seat and shot straight for the exit, the driver became a little disgruntled as I forced my way out the door and ran for the forestry line in front.

No thoughts were currently coming to me. It was like a dead empty space inside my head, I didn't know what to think or do, I just knew I had to get back to Mom and Dad. Stripping free of my clothes as I reached the forest line it took a moment of unbalanced hopping about to get all my clothing off. Not 5 seconds later I was no longer myself but instead something greater.

It had happened at 21 years old just like they said.

That night had been the most painful in my life. Even more so then being bitten, scarred and rejected by my mate. For hours I had laid crumpled on the floor of my bathroom wondering if that was it and my time was up. And then when the pain became the worst it had ever been and I thought it just had to be the end,

Atlas broke free.

He was a wonder to behold, a large white wolf the size of a small horse, with ebony eyes and a coat of white that looked like snow. But his teeth, his jaws, there was no mistaking that the beast was dangerous. But there was also no mistaking that this beast was mine. He was me.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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Alpha's Rejected OmegaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz