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Beau P.O.V.
It's hot. I don't like it, I wanna go home.

"Jeez Beau. Don't be such a baby" I groaned, walking down the street and sweating buckets. This was really nerve-wracking for me. These people are humans! My whole life I was brought up being told humans were something to be feared and despised. That all of them were scum of the earth and had no heart for any but themselves and their own.

I took a deep breath and relayed my parents words in my head. "Beau, when you get to California, get yourself a place to live-" Check. As soon as I arrived I used the life savings I had and rented out a small one bedroom apartment, although it did cost a pretty penny on such short notice. "Enrol into the local high school so you don't stick out-" Check. That was kind of hard since I had to get my old werewolf school to send me the paperwork because i couldn't have them knowing where I was now doing schooling, for them to tell the alpha that the rogue was in California. "And try find yourself a small little part-time job to keep yourself busy". And check. That was actually the easiest thing I had to do.

Weirdly enough, I actually got an interview first go, it was a little cafe that often had posh guests and they only wanted the best, and apparently I might fall into that category. My interview was in two days at said cafe.

I shook myself from my thoughts and continued down the stretch of road that led to a fairly large shopping centre. It was only a five minute walk from my new place. I reached the sliding doors and confidently stepped through, shoving my hands in my pockets and putting my head down. "6 days already" I muttered under my breath. I didn't realise how much I would miss home.

I missed the snow and cold that would stick around almost 24/7, I missed the welcome back I would get from my mom and dad when I arrived home from school everyday. I missed Nirvana, I missed her so bad. Almost more than anything. Almost.

I missed.... Skylar. Pain shot through my chest, making it hard to breathe. It had been like this for days now but my body had grown used to it. I knew that I shouldn't miss him. I mean, he was such an asshole to me. That bite he gave me even left a huge scar in the shape of teeth. A bite from an alpha would never heal, not on any wolf.

I rolled my shoulders back and forcefully shook my head. I entered the grocery store; one of many, and grabbed a basket to start shopping. I grabbed the food I thought I would eat for the week. All up it took about ten minutes, I wasn't going to eat much really.

I turned the corner to leave the entire shopping village when something solid bumped into me. I stumbled back and looked down to find a little boy sitting on the ground; looking as if he were about to cry.

"Uh, kid, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I panicked, setting my bags down and crouching down to his level. "U-Uh huh. I'm really sorry mister. I didn't mean to run into you" he mumbled, climbing to his feet yet his head only hit two inches above my knee. "Nah it was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you okay?" I asked, patting his head gently. "Yeah I'm okay. I have to go now. Bye mister!" He yelled, running back the way he came and waving wildly. I frowned a little confused, then got up and walked down the street towards my new home.


I sat on my bed and stared at the dull white wall without actually seeing. Thoughts continued to run painfully through my head. So I decided to sort them out and state facts.

One; Skylar Moore, Alpha of the Moore pack, was my mate.
Two; I had been rejected, and I had accepted it without argument.
Three; I had just lost my childhood best friend, the girl who knew absolutely everything there was to know about me.
Four; I had let my parents down and now I couldn't speak to them and tell them I loved them as often.

Alpha's Rejected OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now