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Beau P.O.V.

"Deliah! Jordan! Take the left. We'll go around and take them out from the north" I commanded, eyes skimming the eerily silent forest surrounding us. Even the woods knew what was about to happen. I turned my head and glanced at the man behind me. "Will-" my voice softened at his name. His eyes almost immediately found mine and he placed all his attention on me. "You're with me. Have you got your weapons?" The other three nodded like the good soldiers they were. Deliah raised the hand containing a small flute and a handful of tranquillising needles, a grim smirk on her face. Jordan raised his tribal decorated spear, a sharp nod in my direction. Will twirled his ring daggers around his fingers with a quiet whistle, almost as if he was bored. I shook my head fondly at them and then nodded. The mission had begun.

Most of the hunters were gathered in the one place tonight and it had become our duty to take a few out, our alpha had become paranoid that they were planning something. Ever since Dio dropped out of school two months ago. It was a little weird but I had just figured that they had decided to move finally. I had noticed the stress his parents had been sharing lately. One way or the other though, something was happening, that much was clear. So the alpha had decided to send us four in since we were so used to working closely with each other. It was almost like we were a battalion after how long we had been fighting together. I could no longer count how many battles I had entered and actually won, I had been put through rigorous training regimes for a little over two years now and it was not getting any easier than the first day I did it. But now I was better, I could do things that I never dreamed I could before I had joined this pack. They had given me hope, they had given me love, but most of all; they had given me the opportunity to be able to protect myself and those I loved. I now understood why the warriors of my old pack always came back from hunts or battles so arrogant and proud.

"Beau, earth to Beau!" Will hissed in my face, waving his hand back and forth as if I couldn't see it. "Jeez man, you can't space out like that when we're out here" Will reprimanded me. I scoffed and walked straight past him, "Move in to your targets". I pretended not to notice the strange looks they gave each other. "Stay quiet, stay safe" i warned, Deliah and Jordan repeating my words quietly and then stalking into the forest looking every bit their wolf counterparts.

After watching their backs disappear into the foliage, I turned motioning with a tilt of my head that Will and I should head out too. He followed silently and we quickly and quietly made our way through the darkened woods, making sure to keep wary of our surroundings. After all we weren't the only things scouring these woods at the moment. "Something doesn't feel right Beau" Will breathed behind me and I frowned a little. I paused where I was and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath through my nose. I didn't smell anything. That alone was alarming.

"Smell" I ordered the younger wolf whilst glancing around slowly. I heard him take in a breath slowly and release. "I don't smell anything, what's the problem?". I stopped a moment to stare at the kid in disbelief, he glanced back at me warily as if he knew he had messed up somehow but couldn't figure it out. I heaved a sigh and shook my head, "That's exactly the problem Will, why can't we smell anything? This is a forest, teeming with small game and we know for a fact that the hunter group is nearby, we should be getting some sort of trail from them as well. But I can't catch anything, not even the forest".

His eyes bugged out of his head and he began to sniff the air all around him. He whipped to face a certain direction gasping. "Ohhhh fuck-" he was cut off as a loud bang cut through the air, I watched as the laced bullet lodged itself in between his collarbone and shoulder. "Will! Get down, shift and get Deliah and Jordan! Now!" He howled in agony but did as he was told, shifting into a large brown wolf with beady black eyes. A nod from the bleeding and wolf and he was gone, gunshots following after him. I turned my attention to the hunter who currently knew my position and dropped to the ground, bracken flying all around us. I listened carefully as a woman's footsteps echoed closer and closer to my location until she was but a few feet away. I scrambled behind a tree, narrowly missing a shot along my shoulder.

I turned the slightest but to glare at this woman and realised just who had fired at us. Maia. It was Maia Lorence. She was the reason Dio and I could no longer be friends like we had been before, I had found out what they were and she had found out what I was. Exposed me to her family and I had been hunted ever since. That was three months ago. "Come out Beau, don't be scared. I won't kill you" she called into the forest, warily circling her eyes round to try focus on where I was. I needed to hunk before something dangerous happened. I glanced up and saw a sharp branch that had been exploded in the gunfire and my mind had already formed a plan.

I legged it to the branch and rolled behind another tree at the sound of gunfire. I gripped the branch in my left hand and took a deep calming breath. I could do this, it wouldn't be too hard. From the sounds of her breathing and footsteps she was approximately 8 feet to the south-east of the tree I was currently hiding behind. All I had to do was run and then duck for cover under the wall of tree roots 3 feet from that.

Another steadying breath and I was ready. I took a sudden step and then another and then again. She would not hear me and it was better to be a little closer to the target. Once I was a sufficient distance away, I charged.

But I didn't sense him, I didn't see him in time...

A flash of blue. A shout, "Mom!!", a sickly squishing sound. Hot blood, it was on me. I stopped in my place as I stared into the quickly dimming blue eyes of Dio Lorence. My makeshift spear embedded deeply into his chest cavity.

"DIO!!!" A mothers scream that sent me recoiling and falling back to find something to hold on to. Blood fell from his lips, dripping onto my cheek like tears. "I-I I didn't mean to- He, Dio, He jumped in front- I didn't mean to" I gasped, retching as his mother tried to remove the spear from his chest and blood began to flow like a tap. She was crying, bawling, for her son who was dying in her arms.

I had taken the life of an innocent, the life of my friend. I hadn't meant to, but it was my hands that pushed a spear through his body, tearing flesh and muscles apart. Deliah, Jordan and Will arrived then, skidding to a halt next to me. "Oh my god, Beau get up!" Deliah shouted, and without waiting or my consent she lifted me and began to drag me from the woods that I had just murdered my friend in, I then realised what was happening.

I shook Deliah off of me and began to run at a fast pace beside her, Jordan and Will at our flanks. "Fuck man! Oh Fuck! What are we gonna do!? The hunters kid is dead!" Will hissed, panicking behind us. I growled at the boy as a warning to shut his mouth that he received very clearly. "Let's get back to the pack quickly, we need to talk to the alpha. Now"

We ran.

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