Alpha's Eighteenth

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So that beauty up there is Ni. I know you still don't know her full name yet, but all will be revealed soon. Enjoy ^•^



I winced as the harsh school bell droned in my ears.  I noticed some others doing the same.

Haha suckers. Deserved it.

I sighed as Ni hugged me daintily and then swiftly walked away to her home room, leaving me to awkwardly stand in front of my own home room door.

Somebody walked in beside me, brushing against my side. I jumped with a small gasp and turned to the side to see the beta, Raoul.

He was a hunk of a guy, not far behind Sky. But sky still topped the cake of the people I would rape if I wasn't as puny as I was right now.

Yeah. I'm weird. Raoul laughed mockingly, sneering his face at me.

Ew, not so hot right now, are ya?

"Aw, did da widdle runt get scared when the big bad beta bwushed by him?" He teased, running a finger along my neck teasingly.

I grit my teeth, trying not to snap my teeth at him. Fortunately, I didn't have to.

A strong, tanned hand appeared on Raoul's shoulder, cutting him off from anything he was about to say.

I stiffened as Raoul did and we both looked back to the handsome man standing behind him.

His bright blue eyes glared a hole through my head as his hand tousled his chocolate locks into perfection.

"Are you listening to me runt!?" His commanding voice broke through my haze and my eyes widened as he took a threatening step closer. "Yes sir!". "Good. Raoul" he snapped, turning his head to glare at his best friend. "Y-Yes? Alpha!?"

"Get the hell inside, you too runt". I scurried inside quickly, awkwardly trying not to look at him.

I got safely to my assigned seat at the front and awkwardly buried my head in my arms, trying not to fangirl-- ehem, I mean.... Nah you all know what I mean.

Sigh Skylar Moore. The sexy beast.... Literally.


"Ugh! He did what?" Ni shouted out in the middle of our last class of the day. "Shh! Shut up Ni!" I harshly whispered. "Beau! He's a fucking di-" "Sup Nirvana" a deep voice purred from in front of us, cutting off Ni's indecent comment.

My head snapped up in unison with Ni's and we looked up at the dick himself. "Raoul!" Nirvana let out an inhumane growl.

I looked at her in surprise, my eyes flicking over her. She literally just growled like an animal just now. Raoul looked a little bit scared as well.

"U-Uh. Ahem! You coming to Sky's party tonight babe?" He rasped, recovering his voice and trying to make his voice husky.

Ni almost immediately possessed a sly look about her face. "Why yes actually, we are" she said, wrapping an arm right around my shoulders.

Raoul's glare snapped to me and it took all I had not to shrink under his gaze. "Your going with the runt?" He grunted, his nose turning up in disgust. Ni was quick to defend as she jumped to her feet and sent him a menacing glare. "What was that you blundering oaf?" She hissed demonically.

Alpha's Rejected OmegaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin