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Please don't be too mad? I know guys!
It's been like 3 years since my last update and I'm ashamed😩 Anyways on with the story!!!!

Beau P.O.V.

We ran as fast as we could. But the alpha was right.
How hadn't we seen this coming? Of course they were planning something! Of course we were stupid enough to walk straight into their trap.
Whilst Will, Jordan, Deliah and I were out planning to sneak up and assassinate the hunters while they were in a large group, it seemed they had the same idea.

Heat was the first tell. Then the smoke after that. And an ungodly smell that actually felt as if it would burn the inside of my nose if I breathed it in for too long. I held my breath as the dizzying smell began to make my head hurt.

"RUN!! THERE'S SOMETHING VERY WRONG!!!" Deliah's voice suddenly screamed through my mind. Picking up the pace to double what I could stand got me back to our camp in 3 minutes.

But it was still too late.

When I had joined the Forte Pack I had made a promise to my new Alpha. To protect it with my life using every last bit of strength that I possessed.

I couldn't honor his promise. We were too late.

"Dad! Dad NO! Daddy please forgive me for not being here!" I looked to my left hearing Deliah's sobs and cries and watched her and her brother huddled over the Alpha's body. It would be worse once they had spotted their little brothers body not 10 feet from where they were sitting. In all the carnage and all the smoke and fire and blood it seemed as if we really were in some kind of hell.

"BEAU DANIELS!!" A voice screamed from behind. It sent shivers through my body because I knew the voice well.

Maia. She had found us again.

"My baby!" She snarled, charred with black smoke and dirty with twigs and leaves through her messy hair. "You killed my baby!" . She charged towards me and for a moment I wondered if I should stand still and let her run me through. I wondered if I deserved that for all the wrongs I had done to the world. Karma at its best.

But before I could make that decision it seemed like history repeated itself. Like a movie, I watched Will and Deliah start toward me in a dead sprint. Then they both hit me at speed and I was sent crashing into the woodland behind me.

Damaged trees and broken branches laid fallen underneath me as I struggled back to my feet and towards my camp. I didn't know what they were doing, but they were going to die if they faced her wounded.

A mother's grief is a scary thing.



I was too late again.


Damn it why couldn't I do anything right!?

Will and Deliah laid mutilated almost beyond recognition on the ground beneath my feet. My friends had not died in vain though as Maia's destroyed body lay several feet away as well. It was done now, the hunters and the wolves had all battled and although the hunters had lost it seemed almost like they had won. They were gone from this area but now so we're all the active we're wolves bar a handful of injured warriors.

How could I do this to them? This happened because of me.

Without another thought or glance at the devastation before my eyes I turned tail and ran. The only place I could think to go was a telephone box. I needed to speak to my Mom.

I hurried into the tiny cubicle on the busy street hoping nobody would notice me as I trembled hurriedly to press the familiar phone number. It rang. And it rang. And it rang. And then it went to voicemail. Mom never missed my calls, even if it was urgent. So I tried again, and again and again. 6 attempts later I was sure something was wrong and I was not in the mood to be able to handle that.

The only option I could think of was to call the Moore pack house number which Mom told me to call only in emergencies and use a fake name. I hesitantly dialled the number, a deeper feeling of dread settling into my stomach. It only took a few rings this time before somebody picked up.

"Hello? Who is this? It's a really a bad time" someone growled into the phone. Slightly taken aback I took a second to gather my words. "Hi sir, I'm sorry to take up your time but my name is Will Forte and I was hoping to speak with a woman in your pack by the name of Anna Daniels?" I spoke clearly and tried not to let my voice shake.

The voice grunted a little uncomfortably and then cleared his throat. "Yeah, sorry but that's not going to happen" and then he sighed. Fear chilled through my veins and I could feel the breath getting caught in my lungs already. "And May I ask why not sir? It really is important I speak to her immediately" I insisted. I need to talk to my Mom. I needed to know she was okay. "Look all I can do is hand you over to the Beta, it's his wife. He'll be able to speak to you". Confused and getting irritated I opened my mouth to respond but it was obvious the man wasn't listening to me anymore.

"Trent! You have a phone call from a Will Forte about your wife" A sigh came from the other side, one that I recognised as my fathers. Hope blossomed inside my chest as I heard his raspy breathing clearer, he had bought the phone to his ear now. "Hello? Mr. Forte, I'm afraid I'm not sure who you are-" "Dad! It's me! It's Beau!" I interrupted quickly. He inhaled quickly, almost choking on the air and then coughed a few times as well.

"S-Son. I'm so sorry" he began. I frowned and looked at the receiver before putting it back to my ear. "Sorry? Dad? Why would you be sorry?" I asked wearily, unsure of my question. He sniffled a little and my blood ran cold, dad had never. Ever. Cried, not even when his best friend died in a battle with rogues on the borders when I was a child. He still didn't cry. "I couldn't protect her son! We got invaded with wolfsbane and she's dead because of me!" He sobbed into the phone.

Time seemed to stand still as a loud ringing sound blasted through my brain. It seemed as if I was standing there forever trying to process what he had said. I didn't know what else to do but drop the receiver and run to the nearest bus shelter.

I had to go home. Now. Skylar be damned.


Soooo it's been a while haha. Sorrydontkillme 😩🤨😭😓🥺

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