Revelations and Newcomings

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Beau P.O.V.

"Why are you hesitating rogue? Hurry up and shift to your human form" the girl ordered, impatience littering her features prominently. I took another second and then decided 'What the hell'. I shifted back to human, changed into my clothes and then slowly turned to face the girl. Her eyes widened and she took a step back.

"Your the new kid at the high school. Beau Daniels right? Your a werewolf?" She asked sceptically. I flinched a little and nodded. "Yeah. I'm Beau. Uh, sorry I don't your name" I smiled sheepishly at her. She blinked once and relaxed her position.

"Deliah Forte, daughter of the alpha, first in command of the Forte warriors" she introduced herself. I suppose that really wasn't something hard to believe. She held the air of someone special, the grace and refined personality of a higher up. The arrogance of one too.

"I see, uh, Deliah. May I ask why you brought me here exactly?" I asked meekly. Avoiding as much eye contact as I could. "Hm? Why? Because it isn't often we come across other werewolves in a town like this and filled with these types of people. You must have some balls coming to this town. Or maybe your just stupid" she shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest. 

I raised an eyebrow at her words but she explained no further. "Uh oka-" "Deliah! Who is this!? You bought a rogue into the pack!? We have women and children here!" A man growled, pushing his way through the crowd. A muscle bound man with red hair the same colour as Deliah's appeared in front of us. His stance an intimidating one.

Deliah rolled her eyes and sighed turning to face the man. "Dad. I thought he was a child, his wolf is weak and apparently so is he. He didn't even hear me sneaking up on him till I broke a twig" she said confidently. I pouted at the words and crossed my arms.

Yeah well, you're a poo poo head. I thought childishly. The man scowled at her and heaved a sigh, turning to face me. "Well I guess it's too late to do anything about it now. What pack did you come from child?" He asked reluctantly. Well I'd gladly leave if only you'd freaking let me! "I came from the Moore pack in Washington. I'm very sorry, I didn't realise that there was an active pack in this area" I explained, frowning slightly in frustration.

"Your a long way away from home, kid. Any particular reason?" He asked, slinging a huge arm around my shoulders and forcefully pulling me towards the large concrete pack house. "U-Uh. I was...mistreated in my old pack. Sir" I mumbled awkwardly. He raised an eyebrow my way and pushed open the door to let us in. "And why would that be?" He continued, walking up the stairs. I rushed to stumble after him till we got to the top and he opened another door. "Uh that was because..." I trailed off quietly, walking into the room quickly. "Because?" He asked cautiously.

"Because I'm an Omega". Bang! The door slammed shut loudly causing me to jump and whirl around to look at him. He was standing there with his face paled considerably, a tight grip on the door where he had slammed it shut. Probably on accident from shock.

"An Omega? How old are you child?" He asked, walking over and pulling out a chair for me to sit on while he took the other. "Uh, I'm 17 sir" I answered. "I see.......what's your name?" He asked me intertwining his hands together and resting his chin on them. "I'm Beau sir, Beau Daniels" I introduced myself confidently. "Hm. Tell me Beau.... Do you wish to stay rogue? Because I want to formally invite you to join my pack".

I blinked at him. Once. Then twice. Then again. "Excuse me. Sir? I think I heard wrong" I murmured, rubbing my ears gently. He chuckled and shook his head. "No. You heard me right. I want you to join my pack. I can have my children teach you to become a warrior, how to hunt properly and gain some muscle on you, and in return all I want is for you to protect this pack and wear it's name with pride" he explained, tilting his head at me. I opened my mouth and closed it wondering how to respond to such things. I must have resembled a stunned fish.

"W-Wait. Can I have some time to think about this?" I asked desperately. He nodded once and smiled softly. "Of course. I realise this is very sudden, take all the time you need. But I'll be expecting an answer In three moons from now. If you accept, come here at 6:00am three days from now. If you aren't here I will understand but I hope we can still be allies" he said, standing up and turning to look out the window.

"But you must hurry and make a decision. Because there are scarier things in this place than us. Don't let them catch you, they'd definitely catch interest in someone like you" he warned cryptically. "What? What are you talking about?" I frowned, worried now. "Hm, nothing. I'll just say this. Not all humans are powerless."

With that little piece of information, I was sent on my way with the promise of an answer in three days from now. I shifted and made my way home, wary of literally anything that moves in the forest. Once there I numbly ate some food and sat there for a while thinking.

Eventually I went to bed and fell asleep, but you know what I dreamed of? I dreamed of a white wolf, laying in a pool of its own blood, several wolves laying dead around it. All hit by arrows or throats slit open. And the scariest thing was, that the offenders all around them, they were all humans. Humans stood around the dead corpses of the wolves with satisfied and smug faces. And that one white wolf that lay in the middle of them all. That wolf was me.


Well that was exciting. Things are getting interesting now lol. Till next time my lovelies.

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