Lies and death

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(This is almost all Skylar's P.O.V.)

Skylar P.O.V.

My room is a mess. Posters that were once upon my walls, now torn to pieces on my floor. Holes the size of fists sat all over each four walls. Clothes were strewn all over the floor and ornaments that had been sitting on the cabinet were now laying in shards in the corner of the room.

That fucking runt! It's all that things fault! I'll kill it, I'll hunt it down and kill it.

A knock on my door interrupted me from my thoughts as I lifted my head to glare at it. I didn't answer so instead; a few seconds later, the door opened and my father walked inside. "Get up, come with me" he said solemnly. I flinched at the darkness in his voice but nonetheless I stood and followed him out my door.

"Where?" I muttered calmly. "The living room" he answered. We walked in the doorway and I frowned as I saw the runts' parents sitting there, both looking like they were going to faint. We sat down across from them and waited silently.

"So what is it that you wanted to say? Anna, Trent?" Dad asked formally, yet kindly as well. "We.... Got some horrible news" Anna murmured in a grim voice. My eyes narrowed at her voice and I sat up straighter. "Is it to do with the ru-" I was cut off as all occupants of the room glared at me. "I mean. Ahem. Beau?" I finished my sentence. I wrinkled my nose at the taste of his name on my tongue.

"Yeah he..." Trent trailed off, holding his wife's hand tightly as she began to cry. "Trent? Has something happened to Beau?!" Dad asked, standing up in worry. I looked between them, a strange feeling in my chest making it hard to breathe in enough air. Anna's cries got louder and she began to full out sob into her husbands shoulder.

"He's dead! He died! It's not fair!" She yelled through her tears. My heart stopped for a second as her words registered in my head. Dead? But-what? "No! Oh Anna, Trent. I'm so sorry" Mom gasped, going over to hug the both of them as dad patted Trent's back firmly. "No" I said quietly. All four of them turned to look at me, pity and anger in their eyes respectively. "You're joking, right? This was just to get back at me wasn't it!? ........ Tell me it was a joke dammit!" I yelled, getting to my feet. "Skylar". Dads voice commanded me to stop.

An image flashed in my mind of a tiny white wolf, laying helpless and bloody in the snow, it's eyes opened and radiating fear beyond man. Wet streaks under its eyes. I almost vomited my lunch up. Runt?

"H-How did he-?" My mom asked, cutting herself off as not to say the word. I looked at her desperately refusing to let myself believe just yet that the runt was dead. "He-He was, He was in a car crash with a semi-truck when he got out of the airport. The taxi driver and Beau were killed on impact" Trent got out, almost choking on his words. My heart literally began to beat erratically and made it hard for me to breathe. Air, I need air!

I bolted out the door, shifting mid jump as I ran to the pack house as fast as possible. I saw the large white house in sight and I burst through the doors. Everybody inside turned to look at me as I shifted back and changed into clothes that were in the chest at the front door. Raoul burst into action and jumped of the couch where he was sitting with the runts friend.

"Sky? What the matter? Are you okay?" He asked cautiously, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Move" I growled dodging through the people till I got to the laptop on the table. I immediately brought up the search engine Google and began to type. Raoul read it out loud over my shoulder. "Deaths this week; ....huh!? Beau Daniels!? The runt!?" Raoul yelled, eyes wide. "WHAT!?" The runts friend screamed, running over to look at the screen. "Beau!? What did you say!? Beau can't be dead! He can't be! What have you done!?" She screamed, smashing her fists weakly against my chest. Tears poured from her eyes as I kept up my search on the Internet.

I can't find anything. I probably won't though if it's only recent, and I don't even know where it was! This could take weeks!!

I growled and pushed the laptop away so it smashed on the floor. I stormed away from the table and began to pace furiously. "The runt is fucking dead. His parents were just at my house and they told us. Dammit! He can't be fucking dead! That stupid mutt was my Ma-" I cut myself off and stared at the floor unseeing.

"Your what?" Raoul asked carefully, his eyebrows drawn together in disgust. "Your mate". I flinched at the words and turned to look at Raoul's crying mate. The runts best friend or whatever she was. What was her name? Nina? Nicki? "Nirvana? What are you saying?" Raoul snapped under his breath. Nirvana! That's it.

"This was your fault Skylar. You pushed him away to leave that fast. You rejected him and made him feel like he had no one. His death is on you Skylar" She said firmly. Tears continuing to stream down her cheeks steadily. The room erupted into enraged growls in which Raoul and I growled right back.

Without saying another word, I turned my back on them and left the pack house. And you know why?

Because as hard as I tried to believe that I wasn't.... Tears were falling from my eyes.


Beau P.O.V.

I felt a foreboding feeling wash over me as I stated up at the huge building in front of me, filled to the brim with students in uniforms walking around before they had to start their school day. I shuddered once before closing my eyes, taking a deep breath, and stepping foot inside the gates.

What do you guys rekon? Good? Crap? Meh? Haha well, that was a sad chapter. I almost felt bad for Skylar. Almost.

Hmm, I'm not sure what I want to do with Beaus love life though. I might put it to a vote later on or something.

Well day two of our update challenge and I'm still keeping up hahaha 😂. Thanks for reading my darlings and until next time.

Love you guys.
Stay awesome.
Read on.
Abduct a llama.
Hit a fridge with a car.

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