"Hush now little one." He whispered, as he used his mental abilities to stop her from crying. "We have a lot of work to do. There is much that I must teach you, and much that you will learn. You look just like your mother, so I shall call you Odelia. You will be my new black swan, just like your mother once was. Have the prince swear his undying love for you, and your spell shall be broken. Fail, and only in swan form you shall remain forever." Rothbart then looked towards Odile.

"Do not worry Odile." He sneered. "I shall care for her as if she were my own."


"If you were just a baby at the time, then how do you know all of this?" Fredrick asked. "How could you know your own mother's thoughts?"

"My grandfather told me." Odelia answered, as tears came to her eyes. "Since Odile was his daughter, he could read her mind. And since I am his granddaughter, he can read my mind as well. He told me everything that had happened that fateful night. And ever since then, I have been anything but a granddaughter to him. I have been his servant."

So that's why none of us have seen you during the day." Christine added. "You are only human at night, you are the black swan during the day."

"Yes." Odelia replied, as she continued to weep.

"Wait!" Christine exclaimed, as her eyes became as wide as saucers. "Please tell me that he hasn't taken advantage of the fact, that you are also the splitting image of Odette."

"No." Odelia replied. "Even that would have been too low for him. Besides, if anything, he resented me. I was just a reminder to him, that he did not have his beloved Odette. He felt the same animosity towards me, that he felt towards my mother. Rothbart hated her because she was reminder to him, of how he didn't have Odette's love."

"Look, I realize that you come from some fucked up family!" Friedrick exclaimed. "And maybe this makes me an asshole, but I really don't give a damn. I need to find Yvette."

"Of course you do!" Odelia cried. "Because it's always about her! My entire existence has been nothing but servitude to Rothbart. All because of his obsessive love for Odette. Well you need to forget about her, because she belongs to him now."

Odelia's face softened as she looked straight into Frederick's eyes, and gave him a teary eyed smile. She then placed her hand upon the side of Fredrick's face.

"Give us a chance." Odelia begged. "I promise that I will make you very happy." The touch of her hand against his face, only made his skin crawl. As he looked into her pleading eyes, he felt no sympathy towards her. Fredrick then nonchalantly pushed her hand away from his face.

"If what you are telling me is true." Fredrick began. "And I am the reincarnation of this Siegfried the First, then that would make me your grandfather. Do you have any idea how fucked up this makes all of this. Even so, I don't love you. I love Yvette. And even if I didn't, I know you had something to do with Alex's and Ariana's deaths. So cut this fucked up incest bullshit, that you are trying to tempt me with. Where...is....Yvette?"

"No!" Odelia cried. "You have condemned me to remain as a swan for all of eternity. If I can't find true love, or happiness—then neither shall you! Rothbart has what he wants, he can no longer force me to stay alive just to be in servitude to him! And I would rather die as a woman, then live forever as a swan!"

Before Fredrick even realized what was happening, Odelia removed a vial that she had hidden in her cleavage. Inside the vial was a glowing pink liquid.

"No!" Fredrick cried as he lunged towards Odelia, to try and stop her. But before he even had a chance, she quickly drank the strange pink elixir. Odelia's eyes widened in a petrified look of terror. She screamed as she took both of her hands, and wrapped them around her own neck. Then out of nowhere, she spontaneously imploded. Just like that, there was nothing left of her. All that remained was the empty vial, that she dropped on the floor.

"What the hell was that!" Paul exclaimed. Fredrick began to panic, as he could feel his own heart pounding inside his chest.

"Yvette!"  Fredrick cried. "I have to find Yvette! How do we find her now?" All of a sudden, Paul's body began to violently shake. It looked as though Paul was having a seizure.

"Paul!" Christine screamed, with a look of wide eyed horror.

"Yvette!" Paul cried. "Save Yvette!" Fredrick could feel the chills running down his spine. The voice coming out of Paul was familiar, but it wasn't Paul's.

"Alex!" Fredrick cried, as he grabbed Paul by his upper arms. Paul just gave Fredrick a wide eyed stare. It was as if Alex's spirit was looking at him through Paul's eyes.

"The theater, go to the theater!" Alex exclaimed, as his voiced echoed through Paul. "Save Yvette! Rothbart is going to trap them both in a painting. If he succeeds, she will be his...forever!"


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