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Orange eyes (Rain)

It was the thrid day since i'd met my mate, well fourth if you counted the incident with the vampire.

It was still early, the sun still low in the sky and the birds tweeting in the nearby trees. I was laying on what i now know to be a bed, Tilden curled up against my side, still blissfully asleep.

I sighed to myself and looked up, the blankness above me instead of the blue sky or tree tops, houses were weird, nice but weird. They were warmer than caves or dens and had lights so they were bright even after dark. They were filled with many different types of furniture, i think my favourite was the shower.

I rolled over carefully and pulled Tiden against my chest, nuzzling my nose into his hair, breathing in his sweet woody and spicy scent.

I let my eyes fall closed and relaxed with Tilden's body safe in my arms, his soft and warm skin adicting to touch.

I wonder what we'll be doing today, what new thing i might learn. I knew training would happen, but other than that i didn't know. There was so much i didn't know about packs and living in human form, it was all new to me, some things i found i liked, others not so much.

The warmth of the houses and the soft furniture was a plus, but the food and clothes were something i could do without. Hunting was better than human food and clothes were uncomfortable and constricting, i didn't mind a towel as much because i understood the reasoning behind it, but more than that no. A towel covered up the important bits, nothing else was needed in my mind.

Tilden stirred against me and i felt his cheek rub against my chest, a sleepy purr starting up from him. "Tilden?" I spoke quietly, the human words still feeling awkward on my tongue, it felt heavy and too big in my mouth. I would learn it for Tilden though, so i could communicate with him better, so we could share our thoughts and feelings.

"Hmm... Rain." Tilden mumbled and his head tilted back, revealing his sleepy deep blue eyes. A purr rumbled in my chest and i rubbed our noses together, happiness filling my soul as a smile quirked at his lips. "Morning."

I grunted in reply, not feeling awake enough to articulate any words. He slowly pulled away, sitting up and i made a sound of complaint, trying to pull him back down.

He chucked slightly, throwing a look over his shoulder as he got off the bed. I let out a playful growl and followed him out of the bedroom. He glanced back at me at the sound, his smirk widening into a grin and he sped up.

I picked up the pace as well and wrapped my arms around his middle, getting a sound of surprise out of him. I growled again in his ear and picked him up from the floor, throwing him over my shoulder and striding back to the bedroom.

He was laughing, squirming over my shoulder, his hands pressing to my back. "Rain, put me down." He requested. He hadn't taught me those words yet so i continued on, i would of continued whatever he'd said anyway.

We reached the bedroom and i put him down on the bed, he however darted around me, a laugh bursting from him as he jogged back down the hallway.

I growled at his back and went to catch him again. I got into the kitchen/sitting room, finding him behind the kitchen counter, grinning at me.

"Tilden bed." I rumbled.

"Only if you can catch me." He replied, his lips stretched and revealing his teeth, he wasn't baring them in aggression but in cheekiness, it seemed he wanted to play.

I huffed and stalked towards him, he ran away and around the counter as i walked behind it. My eyes narrowed at him, chasing after him.

We ran around the house for almost five minutes until i managed to catch him. His bare feet slid a little on the wooden flooring and i took the opportunity to pin him to the floor with a victorious growl.

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