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Deep blue eyes (Tilden)

We followed father into the meeting room and the air was thick with alpha pheromones and dominance, I stood proudly with Rain at my side and fought off smirking when some of the Luna's starting whispering to one another, I saw the alpha's try and judge him with their eyes but of course they found nothing, my mate was second to none.

The meeting room was a large rectangular shape, a long heavy wooden table taking up much of the space. Instead of chairs there were raised comfortable sofa's, as some meetings could last for hours and even decent chairs could become uncomfortable after a while. The room was in the corner of the building and two walls of windows let in lots of natural light, some of them were open and a cool breeze wafted in, both to keep the room cool and to stop the pheromones from building up too much.

I took a seat on the sofa near the head, where my father and mother sat. Rain joined me and even with the sofa's raised his knees pressed to the table so he had to stretch them out a bit so he could fit his legs under the table.

Thion sat opposite us, alone as he hadn't found his mate yet, I'd guess he had to take over his pack temporarily due to his parents incarceration, and since the result of this meeting affected him he was also present. I smiled in greeting at him and he returned the smile.

"Hello brother." Rain said to him and I heard a few surprised gasps from those within earshot.

Father banged his gavel to get everyone's attention and it all went quiet. "Now that everyone's present we can get started." he cleared his throat. "This meeting of the Alpha Council has been called in relation to a law violation by the Alpha and Luna of the Winter Summit pack, I now declare the trial of Mr and Mrs Winter open." he banged the gavel again and allowed a few moments for the other Alpha's and Luna's to converse. Prior to this they didn't know why the meeting was called so obviously there was some chatter and speculation going on.

At the back of the room was two of the scribes from the administration building, at least one attended every meeting that took place, keeping a record of it for the archives. The first one's head was lowered over a note book and he scribbled away with a pen, the other with a pad and pencil, her head focused on us, drawing a picture of the meeting. The royal pack was big on history, we had rooms and rooms filled with writings since the first werewolf came to be, we tried to document everything possible so our descendants had information of their history in detail and so we could look back on past events if we needed to.

Rain's and I's sides were pressed together and I held his hand under the table, to show my support, I knew it wasn't going to be easy for him talking about what happened, but I would be here for him the whole way, I would do all I could to help him get through it. It was all so he could get justice and hopefully the process will help him to see that his parents wronged him and bring him some sort of closure.

After a few minutes father banged the gavel again and the room quietened. "Now, the crimes in question are the abuse of an infant with the intent to kill, abandonment and the attempted murder of a royal Luna. The evidence gathered will now be presented to prove such crimes have occurred and the injured party will take questions in relation to the crimes committed." he explained and there was an uproar of chatter, the looks of disbelief and surprise on many faces, Thion looking quite sad, I felt concerned that he had to sit alone though all of this, it was his parents and brother this meeting was being called for.

Whilst everyone talked among themselves I looked to my father. "Alpha, may I request that Thion is allowed to move seats? I believe he and my mate will be much more comfortable seated together." I requested, using his title as we were in a formal meeting. He looked at Thion and then Rain and I, nodding after a few moments, the flicker of a proud smile showing directed at me.

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