Mating Rite (mature)

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Deep blue eyes (Tilden)

Eventually the time came, Ranam approached the both of us, the sun now fully set, he looked guilty for disturbing us but he couldn't hide the flicker of anticipation in his eyes. I reluctantly slipped out of Rain's arms, taking his hand in mine. "It's time guys, you'll get some time to prep but everyone else will be called to the mating hall soon." he informed us. "I took the liberty of... ahh... leaving some... items for you." he hinted before taking his leave and disappearing into the crowd.

"Time?" Rain asked me, there were many layers of emotion in his voice, one obviously lust at the knowledge he'd be able to mate me soon, the slight nerves were a surprise, the care making his voice softer seemed to go straight to my heart.

"Yes Rain, it's almost time." I confirmed and led him to the mating hall, the walk seemed so long yet short at the same time, the music grew faint as we walked further away, the serene night and clear sky peaceful, the full moon like a spotlight, it's rays seeming to follow us.

The mating hall was exactly that, a circular building amongst the administrative buildings of the pack, I hadn't gone inside before having not been mated. Unmated wolves weren't permitted to enter unless they were the ones who were going to be seen mating.

I entered the hall with Rain close behind, the air cool inside, it looked akin to a human stadium, the stands surrounding a centre stage. I looked up, seeing the open ceiling, moonlight trickling in, what was unexpected about the place was centre where mated joined for eternity. The floor was dirt, the open ceiling allowing sun and rain inside, grass grew in the entirety of the circle, a few nurtured plants growing from the soil but what caught my eye the most was the huge hunk of moonstone in the centre. It absorbed the moonlight, making it glow mostly blue and white but a few other colours were visible, casting a pale blue light in the mostly dark building. It had been sanded until smooth, it felt cold under my fingers but not cold as it should be.

I didn't know what I expected but this certainly wasn't it, I thought maybe a bed would be here, or nothing at all, but a slab of moonstone big enough for someone to lay on, it was obvious what it was for. Werewolves were obsessed with the moon, it's brightness at night helped us hunt, the affect it had on the world, the stories throughout history. We didn't worship a god of the moon, we respected it's importance, like everything else in the world. We had a day dedicated to the sun and another to the moon, one to the earth we live on and water, be it sea, river or rain. We don't kill our food needlessly, the bodies are always returned to the forest, we aren't like foxes in a hen house.

I left the moonstone, heading down a small gap between the stands and to a door, inside it was small, a bed and a small table beside it, folded white garments atop the dark wood and beside them what Ranam had left for us. The floor was cold stone beneath my feet, I'd never bothered to put my shoes back on after the fights.

I glanced back at Rain as he looked around, his eyes stopping when he reached the table. "More bad word?" he voiced aloud, he looked at me and I shivered as his eyes raked over me. I turned as he approached, his lips slanting against mine with a low growl. His hands held me against him, his head dipped so I didn't have to stand on my toes. His hands squeezed and ran up my sides, slipping under my loose shirt, my skin came out in goosebumps at the feel of his very warm and calloused hands and the hunger he kissed me with. My hands rested on his chest for balance and I could feel how his heart started to beat faster, firm and muscular front rising and falling faster.

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