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Chamers ^

Orange eyes

I was confused why my mate brought me into this she wolf's home and left me here. The house smelt faintly of him so he obviously came here often. I looked at the older she wolf and she looked back. She did look slightly similar to my mate. Was she his mother? He didn't look hurt so she must be nicer than mine was. I sniffed at her curiously and she slowly approached. I was cautious because of her royal blue eyes but my mate wouldn't leave me with someone who would hurt me, would he? My wolf told me that he wouldn't so I let her approach but my tail twitched nervously and my ears moved constantly, eyes watchful and nose sniffing.

I looked down at the dainty woman and she craned her head up to look at me. I heard a noise and looked up. A young she wolf had entered the room and she looked at me with wide eyes. "Mum, why is there a bear in our living room." The younger she wolf spoke to the older one.

"It's not a bear." Her voice sounded chiding. "It's your brothers mate."

The younger she wolf snorted in amusement. "Guess he's the submissive in the relationship then." The young she wolf sounded entertained. The mother gave a pointed look. "You think Tilden's mounting that?" She indicated to me, so their talking about me? I cocked my head to the side wanting to know what they were saying. The mother let out a deep sigh, seeming fed up with her pup. "Where is Tilden anyway?" The younger she wolf asked her mother.

Tiiilllddddeeennn? They kept repeating the word. My friends mate had used it as well. I tried to say the human word in my mind.

"He's in a meeting with your father." The mother told her pup.

"And he just left him here?" She inquired, seeming a bit exasperated. The mother let out a deep sigh and sat down on something. Lots of things in here I had never seen before. It was a substantial den but with me and all the things it seemed quite small. I wanted to inspect everything but I was afraid to move. I settled down on my belly and just settled at looking around their den. "He's feral isn't he?" The young wolf asked its mother.

"Yes dear, completely." The mother revealed. The younger wolf gasped and looked at me. Guess they were still talking about me then. I let out an annoyed huff and put my head on my front legs, it was boring in here. They talked amongst themselves for a while and then a wooden thing moved and a small male pup appeared. At the sight of me he yipped and ran over to me.

"Neymar!" The mother called out something but the pup was already on my back and clutching at my fur with his tiny human paws. I turned around at looked at the little pup with interest. Suddenly he was a wolf pup instead and batted me on the nose playfully. I let out a little sneeze at the act and he yipped and barked happily, so happily he almost fell of my back. I quickly used my head to catch him and he grabbed onto my muzzle with his little claws to stop himself from falling from the considerable height. I huffed as his claws dug into my skin but I turned my head and gently lowered the little rascal to the floor. He let go and I licked the small droplets of blood from my muzzle, the wounds already healed. I playfully nudged the puppy and he yapped happily and bounded at me, trying to catch my ears in his teeth. I kept my head low and wiggled them, keeping them out of his reach and he whined in frustration and I huffed in amusement, blowing air on his belly which made him yip and chortle in little snorts.

"He seems the gentle giant." The mother mused to the daughter.

"Well he puts up with Neymar's little antics." The younger she wolf commented. I played with the little pup for a while and the wooden thing my mate went through opened again and I perked my head up hopefully. Neymar finally managed to catch one of my ears due to me being distracted and by raising my head to look at the entrance to the den he ended up hanging from one my ears by his teeth. My mate walked back in and looked at the little git attached to my ear.

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