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It actually made a change to have food. It was strange, they had all gone such a small amount of time without proper food, that now that they had some they were at a slight loss. Considering the more natural diet of elves, meat was hard to come by. Though they had offered some, it really wasn't much.

"Are there no children in Mirkwood?" Tilda's curious voice caused Alassëa to look at her strangely. Her look soon changed to one of humour, and against her will she did laugh. It perhaps wasn't wise because Tilda puffed out her cheeks in annoyance and even narrowed her eyes at her.

"I am sorry," Alassëa knelt down, she decided that the simple stew bubbling in a pot above the fire behind her was fine for the moment. It didn't need her constant staring.

"Well?" Tilda pressed while waving her arms.

"Well, I don't know, perhaps?" Alassëa said awkwardly while reaching out and rolling the sleeves of the dark blue tunic up. Beneath this Tilda still seemed to be wearing some of her original clothing. It was cold here, despite of the fire, and the furs and throws they could wrap themselves up in. It was still cold. "Where did you even find this?" Alassëa asked curiously while managing to use her belt to keep the tunic up and in place along with her dress.

"They were giving them out."

"Wait...you have been outside then?" Alassëa frowned, Tilda suddenly looked guilty. "Tilda..." Alassëa rubbed her forehead with a frown. "No going outside again, please. I do not think anyone out there will harm you, but even still...I don't want you going out there and getting yourself lost within the groups of people."

"I won't."


"Yes," Tilda nodded and looked over Alassëa's shoulder. "The stew is boiling over."

"What? No!" Alassëa whirled round and darted back to the dinner. Sure enough the bubbling noises of the stew could firmly be heard now. With a groan she placed a cloth over the handle and removed it from the heat. "Where is Sigrid and Bain?"

"I think they're having a quick wash..." Tilda trailed off thoughtfully. Fresh water was hard to come by, and they had all been given a supply, despite mainly using it to drink. The people couldn't help but use some of it to clean up.

Alassëa raised an eyebrow, "Have you?"

"Are you trying to say I'm dirty looking?" Tilda said in a joking tone yet tried to look irritated. It didn't work considering the sleeves of the tunic slipped down and her arms disappeared within the folds of material.

Alassëa laughed and shook her head. "I apologise for offending," her eyes watched as she beamed and sat down cross legged near her. "Your father?"

"Still in that meeting." Tilda rocked in her seated position. Alassëa gave a sigh at this. "He'll be back soon, Alassëa." She said with a firm nod, she looked to the young girl and smiled. The two of them had only been back home for several moments before Thranduil had called for Bard for some matter.

"Can you go call your sister and brother? Don't want this to go to waste." Alassëa said deciding not to dwell on the missing male. Tilda smiled and nodded, jumping up she walked off and shouted loudly for them. Alassëa winced, for someone so small, Tilda really did have quite a set of lungs on her.

Bain's annoyed reply made Alassëa laugh, eventually the boy was being pulled through the door towards where Alassëa was sitting dishing out the stew. "You almost gave me a heart attack just for dinner?"

"What?" Alassëa looked at him curiously while giving him a bowl.

"She barged the door down almost." Bain said, shrugging casually he took to eating.

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