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It seemed out of all of them, the one to miss Alassëa's presence in the house the most was Tilda. The young girl had grown quite used to Alassëa being constantly around that when she had gone to work she found herself at quite a loss. So it stood to reason that when Alassëa returned home from work, that she was the first to jump to asking how her day went. Bard had to tell her numerous times to calm down and leave Alassëa alone for a few moments, but would she listen? No.

Alassëa laughed and smiled warmly at the small girl. She found her eagerness quite endearing. It was something which quite frankly was something she wished to return home to. Her day had came to a rather dull end really. With Bard's help she managed to deliver the last two parcels, with no thanks to Eryn's dodgy map, and upon returning to her she got her days pay and then sent on her way again. Though she did get informed that she'd have to find travel out of town because Eryn had given her quite a list of plants to go and collect.

Shaking her head, Alassëa turned her attention back to Tilda, she could sit and ponder about tomorrow when tomorrow came. But right now she sat listening to Tilda and what she had done with her day. All in all she seemed to make no mistake or even keeping quiet that her day had been boring.

This if anything caused Alassëa to laugh. "I love the honesty," she had commented while sitting at the window seat and leaning back against the wall so she could look to the window. Blinking slowly she looked at Tilda. "Maybe tomorrow shall be a better day for you?" Raising an eyebrow in thought she slowly smiled when Tilda looked suddenly optimistic.

Both being called for dinner, they exchanged a look and moved away from the window and the night sky beyond it. "So," Bain piped up while waving a fork in Alassëa's direction. "How's the personal Healer business treating you?" He couldn't help but now see the humour in the request and as such, joke about it.

"What?" Sigrid sat down slowly after she placed a bowl full of something on the table. "You've been promoted or something?"

"No!" Alassëa exclaimed while crossing her arms and frowning. She narrowed her eyes in Bain's direction.

"I'm not following," Sigrid said plainly. She didn't much care for personal jokes, but if they were going to happen when she was present the least the two could do was bring her up to par. After Bain had quite quickly explained the situation she couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh. It was something which caused Alassëa to slowly look up from her meal and narrow her eyes.

"It's honestly not funny." Was all she said while sitting with a despondent expression.

"It's rather funny, you must admit." Bain shrugged casually.

Alassëa decided to be the bigger person here and not retort. Though she desperately wanted to, it wouldn't look entirely good to be caught in a childish argument, let alone with an actual child. This was something which caused her to slowly sigh and continue eating. The rest of the dinner was eaten in relative silence, even when it came to cleaning away there was silence. Finding a book, Alassëa decided to sit back against the wall near the window seat and read. She got pulled from the words though when Tilda stood by her side. Tilting her head to the side, Alassëa snapped the book shut and looked to her.

"Yes?" Alassëa smiled. "Can I help you?"

Tilda looked around before looking back to her. "Do you know any stories?" It was a question which had suddenly sparked in her mind when she caught sight of Alassëa sitting down to read. Surely even a half-elf must have some tales to tell, or at least knew of some?

Alassëa looked up at the ceiling before smiling and looking back at her. "Are you wishing for me to tell you a story here, or as you settle for sleep?" The whole prospect of a bed time story caused Tilda's eyes to widened and her answer wasn't one of words but of actions. She quickly grabbed a hold of Alassëa's hands and tugged her forwards.

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