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It was a little later on when Bard suddenly seemed to realise something he should have perhaps realised a while back. These dwarves had had some sort of bad run in with the elves from Mirkwood, how exactly were they going to react to Alassëa? As yet she wasn't home, a part of him hoped she would be by the time he returned. It would make possible introductions less troublesome. Because that's all he was presuming was going to happen. A lot of fuss.

Handing out clean dry clothes he suddenly turned to the door when there were footsteps from beyond it. It seemed he wasn't alone in noticing. The company looked at him with accusing looks. He hadn't alerted anyone to them being here. As such he narrowed his eyes at them each in turn while watching as the door opened slowly.

Slowly making his way through the sudden house guests he managed to get to the door and shield her from those behind him. "Hello!" She said brightly while looking up at him. Her smile slipped though when she noticed the serious expression on his face. "Bard, what is it?"

He sighed and lowered his eyes before side stepping. He couldn't think of anyway to really explain what he was trying to hide her from, so instead he simply moved aside. She looked blankly at the company, and they in turn shot up from their seats and looked at her darkly. "What trickery is this?" The presumed leader spoke – Bard wasn't wholly sure who the leader of this group was – but the dark haired dwarf who spoke was the one who was seemingly giving Alassëa the darkest looks.

Bard looked to Alassëa to see her expression had turned from blank to troubled, it then changed to one of disdain. So it seemed that it wasn't just the dwarves reaction to her that he should have been worried about.

With a sigh she moved forwards away from the shut door. Each move she made was watched by them, and as such each step she took, she looked over each of them in turn. "Dwarves," her tone was icy, walking forwards, Bard placed a hand on her arm and gently pulled her out of the room. He hadn't ever heard her use such a tone before. Not even when she was irritated with herself for forgetting everything. Not once had she ever sounded so stoic and emotionless.

"I can explain," he started, her attention was still on the room over his shoulder. Reaching up he placed his hands on her cheeks and made her look at him. "Listen to me, I do not know what they want, but they are not staying."


Bard frowned, "Whatever animosity you hold towards their kin, can you keep it at bay for now?"

Alassëa sighed and nodded. "It's just...I do not think you know what you're getting involved with." She looked up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you not had dealings with dwarves before?" She smirked hollowly. "They will take whatever you give them for granted." Alassëa put her hands over his. "But for you, I will be civil, you have my word." She smiled and watched as he gauged her words. She was being honest, with a nod he let her go and the two returned to the room. "Would it ease you all to know that I am only half-elven?" She asked politely, trying desperately to get shot of the tension which hung in the air.

"Not particularly," came the quickly spoken blunt response.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Alassëa squeezed her eyes shut. With a sigh, she smiled thinly and held a hand up. "Because I have given my word to be polite, I shall merely say my name is Alassëa and leave it at that." She said in a short tone and moved out of the room. She retreated to her room and remained there for some quiet time.

Hearing the door open she didn't look up, yet she did when Bard suddenly appeared crouching in front of her. She sat looking towards the window in her room. Reaching out he took a hold of her hands and turned them over in his. "Will you come back out?"

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