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"Survived? Survived?" Alfrid questioned sounding both confused and affronted by Bard's choice in words. He turned and looked to him as he continued to stare towards the Mountain. "You mean there's a bunch of dwarves in there with all that gold?"

Of course really that is what this came down to, Bard sent him a look while turning away. The Mountain at the moment was not a top priority. Making sure everyone had made it to Dale in one piece, and were fine was the top priority. The elderly and injured the young and those who were not harmed at all, everyone needed to be seen to. Once sure and content with knowing nothing had befallen the travellers, then Bard would seek to thinking about the Mountain and those who dwelt within it.

"I shouldn't worry, Alfrid. There's enough gold in that Mountain for all." Bard looked at him before looking over the stonework banister in front of him. "We'll camp here tonight. Find what shelter you can, and get some fires going." Those below him looked up and chattered amongst themselves. Sure the day was still young, but early afternoon would soon set in, and with winter drawing ever nearer, the darker nights would appear ever quicker. "Alfrid," Bard set his sights back on Alfrid, who looked torn between staring at the Mountain, or shuffling off to find something to occupy himself. "You have the first watch." It wasn't what he wished to hear clearly, but with a shrug and a nod he departed from Bard's company. He could explore the city some more before having to do first guard duty.

With a sigh, Bard cast a look to the Mountain before moving away. The entrance was shadowed heavily, if it weren't for the fires burning, Bard wouldn't be able to see it at all. He had no doubt that the surviving dwarves – for he didn't know how many or who exactly had survived – weren't oblivious to them moving into Dale. There was enough of them trailing through the entranceway to spot from the distance between the city and Erebor.

Walking down the stairs, Bard was almost instantly confronted with the still bustling people which were trying their hardest to try and settle in the ruined city. It was a hard task, it seemed. People were trying to make their ways into some of the houses, only to walk out again in dismay. There was nothing in them. They were all gutted by fire and neglect. The charred remains of furniture did however linger. A few tables and gnarled chairs were blackened like everything else. The lingering smell of smoke and ashes still remained in the atmosphere.

Following a path which rounded the corner and a small cluster of buildings, Bard found himself in what he presumed was the town square. A small fountain stood, crumbled and destroyed. But what it was was humble. This town square was nothing like the one back in Lake-town. It was not claustrophobic and surrounded by leaning buildings. There was light, grey though it was from the day, but even still. It helped to illuminate the town square more than the one back in Lake-town. Continuing on his walk, Bard eventually reached a level platform. From the stones which remained he presumed it was either a look out post - which looked to the Mountain - or just a small promenade.

Whichever it was, it was more or less ruined now. There was a flat wall which he walked over to and sat down with a heavy sigh. He set his sights on Erebor. The thought of travelling there and not knowing what he'd find, caused him to sigh again, a troubled sounding sigh which died in the air with the falling snow. "What's wrong, sire?" A pair of arms slowly wrapped around his shoulders, and Alassëa's face peered over at him.

Bard frowned and looked to her. "Don't."

Alassëa frowned gently. "Sorry," she apologised quickly. Moving away from him, she reappeared by his side. Sweeping her skirt out of the way, she sat down. Putting her hands in her lap, she glanced from the ominous form of the Mountain, to her silent companion. "What is it?" She asked coyly, not too sure whether he even wished to speak or sit in silence.

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