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"Let me see your hands," was something which Alassëa had been confronted with several times already. Whenever she approached someone asking about work they'd ask this question. It was becoming slightly tedious and she could feel her patience thin each time these words got spoken. She could see where this was going as the woman before her looked her up and down. "Ever worked behind a bar before?" The woman asked, right this moment Alassëa had resulted to asking the local taverns for jobs.

"No." She answered honestly, if she had then she couldn't wholly remember. Though from the dingy lighting and the smell which hung in the air, she was rather sure she'd remember working in a similar place before today.

Her words caused the woman to heave out a sigh. Clearly it wasn't what she wanted to hear. "You've not worked a day in your life, lass, as such there's no work for you here." The woman said while letting go of Alassëa's hands and stepping back.

"Wait, there has to be something going." Alassëa stepped forwards towards the retreating woman.

She cast a look at her and frowned. She evidently wasn't pleased with being chased and still questioned about this. "There's nothing. No jobs here, go elsewhere." With this said, the woman quickly hurried around the bar and disappeared.

Alassëa stood with a firm look on her face, "I wouldn't," Bard said while putting a hand on her shoulder and stopping her from moving forwards. For the most part, he had stood listening in with indifference. He had said he'd aid her where he could with this job hunting. He pointed her in directions of places she could ask, but he already knew it would amount to nothing. He could tell as soon as they stepped through the door that whoever they were about to ask had been forewarned about them.


"Want a job?" Someone slurred from a darkened seat. Both of them turned and looked at him.

Alassëa looked on with curiosity whereas Bard's expression was less than pleased. Anyone openly eavesdropping and then getting involved in a private conversation didn't mean well. "Well, yes..." Alassëa replied before he could intervene.

The man turned in his seat and looked at her with a leering expression. "I've got a job for you-"

"Come on," Bard pulled Alassëa away from the man and his suggestive words and looks. Not that Alassëa would stoop to such a level to make money or to stay in this town. She looked up at him yet walked briskly by his side out of the tavern.

He shot a look over his shoulder though as the man shouted something along the lines of; "Keeping her all to yourself, eh, bargeman?" He didn't reply. He wasn't going to retort to such words coming from someone who was clearly more drunk than sober.

"Are you sure I can't just get away with working with you?" Alassëa asked nonchalant to what just transpired within the tavern. That whole experience seemed to have just been eradicated from her memory.

With a shake of his head he led her down a narrow pathway. "No," he looked down at her as she childishly puffed out her cheeks and exhaled heavily. It would be the easy option, but he didn't get paid enough as it was, let alone with paying someone's wages. It wouldn't work anyway. Of course the most obvious option would be the one which would fail the most.

"Are you two struggling with something?" Looking to the side they looked to a window. Or more specifically to the figure which was leaning against the windowsill. Eryn looked between the two with a smile.

"Do you have any jobs going?" Alassëa jumped straight to the point. Bard sent a look her way for her lack of tact. She just smiled and looked back to the elderly lady. She was after all the only Healer in the town, surely she required help with her small business? Alassëa tilted her head to the side, did Eryn even have a small business? She wasn't wholly sure when she pondered over it.

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