I almost laughed at the man they brought through the door. Alex was covered in blood and bruises and was being dragged across the concrete floor towards me. "Him? You think I care about him?" I finally let out a chuckle and clear my throat. "Oh, Baby, you can go ahead and kill him - in fact, I think I will do you the favor and kill him my self," I sneer to Ace and glare over at Alex. 

Without wasting another second, I wrench my arm out of the guards grip with as much strength I could muster and elbow him, spinning around to punch the other guy. I quickly sprint across the room, judo flipping a guy on my way. The two men holding Alex's limp body retreated, seeing that otherwise they were going to end up like the last three guys. I had no idea where all this newfound courage came from, but my best guess was rage and betrayal.

I grab Alex's bloodied shirt collar and wrench him off the floor. "You lying, deceitful motherfucker! I fucking trusted you, I did, even after everything. And the next thing I know I am being drugged in your stupid 'secret' safe house by the other lying, deceitful motherfucker over there," I scream, pointing back at Elijah. Everyone was watching us, the guards not quite sure whether to get involved or simply let it all play out. 

I punch him, hard and hear a crack as blood begins to drip from his nose. I kick him where it counts and he drops to the ground, withering in agony. "How did they find out, huh? How did they know I was going to be there? You fucking disgust me!" I continue. I didn't even care that Ace and Elijah were listening to everything at this point, I was just so angry.

"And that fucking Raphael... I told you there was something sketchy about him but you wouldn't listen, in fact you insisted that I trust you. No, no, I am going to make you fucking regret ever speaking to me, ever even looking at me," I state in exasperation, throwing punch after punch as he lay on the ground. He wasn't fighting back, he wasn't looking at me, I wasn't even entirely sure he was still conscious.

Realistically, I should probably be attacking Ace or Elijah right now, but I just couldn't stop. I was seeing red.

I hear Elijah's quiet voice behind me, "Eve, stop. You are going to kill him," he mumbled. I ignore him. The next thing I know he had his arms around my shoulders, pinning my arms to my chest. He dragged me back off Alex and swung me around to face another direction. I thrashed in his arms, trying desperately to escape but he was too strong. 

Elijah spins me around to face him, holding my shoulders tightly. Surely he must know that he is leaving himself open for attack right now... Why isn't he trying to fight me or something? "You don't want to kill him. It isn't you," he whispers, his voice softer than I had heard it in years. He sounded... Normal, like the boy from my childhood. 

"You don't know me. I've killed before," I mutter coldly, still trying to escape. The look that filled his eyes made me stop in my tracks. I stood so still that I was afraid I wouldn't be able to move again. He looked so drained in this very moment. His eyes were so sad and filled with so much pain that I actually felt bad for him. "You haven't killed with your bare hands," he breaths. 

Part of me wanted to see whether or not Ace was watching this. Who am I kidding? Of course he is, everyone in the room is. "How the hell would you know?" I huff, finally snapping out of my trance. 

"Because I do know you," he states, finally letting me go and taking a step back, his usual blank demeaner reappearing. I stay silent for a minute and glance back down at Alex's body. Fuck. He lay in a small pool of his own blood and his face was even more battered than when he came in.

My knuckles were covered in a mix of my blood and his and burned as I unclenched my fists.

The guards looked a bit intimidated and Ace stood, watching me in amazement. "You know if we weren't on such bad terms, I would want you on my team," he remarks, placing a hand on Elijah's shoulder as he resumes his place beside him.

"You know if we weren't on bad terms, I wouldn't be set on strangling the life out of you and taking over your gang," I reply smugly, wiping some of the blood off my cheek with my sleeve. 

He laughs for a moment, taking his time to compose himself. "You think you can take my crown?" He spits, stepping forward. I can't deny that the 'kings' jokes were pretty amusing. 

"I can and I will," I nod my head, stepping forward to meet him. He comes uncomfortably close but I stand my ground. "There is only room for a king around here, Darling, and it's me."

I roll my eyes up at him and put the sweetest smile onto my face. 

"We'll see about that."

. . .

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