Chapter 5: Not All Games Are Fun Part 1

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Time skip brought to you by Miraculous Ladybug

The second phase ended and they are now on the plane thingy. Kurapika and Leorio decide to go and sleep, Tenma and the others decide to find a free space to play soccer, and Gon,Killua, and Lalaya explore the ship. Lalaya is asleep on Killua’s lap, her hair in bun pigtails and in an oversized hoodie. (Kinda like this)

Gon says “Hey… I was wondering…”

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Gon says “Hey… I was wondering…”

Lalaya wakes up and hums in an asking manor along with Killua. “Where is your mom and dad?”

Killua replies “Hmm… They’re alive. Probably.”

Lalaya gets up and sits on top of the window pane while Killua and Gon sit on the bench. Lalaya yawns and asks “What do they do?”

Killua gets startled by the sudden question the soft spoken girl asked. Her voice is really soothing. It’s like an angel.

“They’re assassins.”

That reply shook the last bit of drowsiness the girl had out. "Really?” Lalaya and Gon reply in unison.

Killua chuckles and Lalaya looks at him with soft eyes. “What’s with the reaction guys? You two really are a riot!”

Gon and Lalay look at each other, look at Killua, then at each other, then at Killua again. Gon replies “Because you’re serious. Right?” he asks Lalaya.

The said girl nods. Killua stops laughing and frowns. “What makes you think that?”

“Well… For me, it’s just a hunch.” replies Gon.

“I can tell when people are lying and when they aren’t. It’s one of my powers as a hybrid.”

Killua looks shaken, but he recovers. He then rested his cheek on his palm and looked behind Lalaya and out the window. Killua sighs and says “That’s weird… People only find me interesting because they can’t tell whether I’m being serious or not.”

Lalaya and Gon hummed in interest. “I’m actually from a family of assassins. So all of us are assassins and each one of them has high hopes of me becoming a top assassin one day. But you know, I can’t stand it. Who wants their life planned out for them? Not me… When I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all snapped!” Killua snapped with an “I can’t believe that” look.

“My mom had tears flowing down her face while telling me that I have a great potential on becoming a top assassin!” Killua said.

Gon laughed while Lalaya tried to hold back tears. “They’re horrible parents, right?It’s pretty natural that their kids will go bad!” Killua ranted. “We ended up fighting, so I stabbed my mother in the face, my brother on the side and ran away.” Killua said while Lalaya and Gon listened carefully.

“I’m sure that they’re hunting for blood right now. But if they find me, I’ll send them packing.” Killua told the two, with a dream-like face. “When I become a hunter,I’ll start by capturing my family. I’m sure my family is worth some high bountities!” Killua yelled.

Gon smiled while Lalaya spat out, and started laughing. “What was that face, Killua-kun?”

Killua blushes and looks away. Why does she have to be so damn cute? Damn it! DAMN IT! Ask her why she wants to be a hunter. Stop being a wimp and ask her already! Damn it Killua! What will Illumi do if he sees you like this? He’ll surely hurt her.

“A-Anyway. What about you Lalaya? Why do you wanna become a hunter? Gon already told me, but I wanna hear from you.”

“Well, he probably told you that he wanted to find our dad, right?”

Killua nods. “Well, I already met him. I’ve known him since I was born. He trained me, but I would eventually fail because of my lack of strength, stamina, and other important skills. I’ve been with him until I was six years old. But soon after turning six, he thought that it would be better if I lived with my brother, so he sent me to Whale Island, where I met him, along with Aunty Mito. When he heard that papa was a hunter, he wanted to become one, so he could find him. I wanted to come along so I could see him again. I also want to help people, and find a way to control my powers. As a hybrid, I pack a lot of power. Some of those include detecting lies, siren, transformation, and many other things. Most of my powers I can’t control, meaning if I use them, I could hurt people. Even kill them. And I don't want that.”

Killua stares at the younger girl. After the confession, the three kids feel someone watching them. Then the feeling disappears. Lalaya looks over to the side and finds the chairman. “Is something the matter?”

“Ah, Netero-san…” Gon said. “Did you see anyone coming from there?” he asked.

Killua just stares at the chairman. When did he…?

“You’re pretty-” He then gets cut off by the younger girl.

“You’re really fast, Netero-san! And why did you lie? You did see someone!”

Netero raised an eyebrow and questioned the young girl.”Oh. How so?”

Lalaya pauses before she says anything, and looks at the chairman. Only to see his eyes on her chest. Ohohohoho! She’s quite developed for such a young and small girl.

Gon questions that pause and, he too, sees the chairman looking at his younger sister’s chest. Before he could say anything, Killua yells at the chairman. “QUITE CHECKING HER OUT OLD MAN! YOU’RE BEING CREEPY!”

Netero’s gaze then fixes onto the albino, then back to the brunette. “Ahem. Back to my question.”

“Oh! That’s because the person over there was you, Mr. Netero! Also, I’m a hybrid. One of my powers is lie detection.” she says, rocking back and forth, her chest slightly moving along with her motion.

Oh. A hybrid.This is the first time I’ve seen one. But I know that’s not good. Her size. She must be …

Killua rudely interrupts Netero’s thoughts. “What do you want,old man?”

“Now, there’s no need to be so unkind… I was just bored and was merely looking for some company. Anyway… I was meaning to ask the three of you. How do you like the Hunter’s Exam so far?"

Gon smiled. “It was fun! It’s not a paper test like I was dreading.”

Lalaya frowns, sits back down, and pulls her hoodie over her legs. “I don’t like it! It takes too much energy. I just want to be over with already and sleep! I’m tired!” she then pouts.

Killua sweat drops. She almost slept through the entire thing, and she’s still tired? She must be really lazy. And she must love sleeping. Although, she does look adorable right now.

The albino shakes his thoughts out and replies ”I’m disappointed. Both the 1st and 2nd phase were easy, or rather the whole thing wasn’t as difficult as I was expecting.”

Lalaya sweat drops and speaks up. “Oh. So it was easy for you? Who was it that failed the cooking part of the 2nd phase? OH! It was you! So stop complaining and admit, that for the first time in your life, you failed to do something.”

The sapphire eyed boy then shuts up. Netero clears his throat and says “Do you want to play a game with me?If you’re able to beat me, I shall let you be hunters."

The raven haired teen says “Really?! I’ll play!”

So the younger brunette goes with her brother. The two siblings turn to the albino. Gon smiles at him and Lalaya pulls out her baby doll eyes. Killua couldn’t resist after seeing the baby doll eyes, so he gave in. “Fine.”

And that's all. I don't have anything special to say today, but I want y'all to stay safe. Stay indoors and avoid interaction with people you don't know, or people you think might be sick. I love you all! Just want y'all to stay healthy! If you ever need to talk, I'll always be here for you! Good. Bye my baby Penguins! Killuas_Waifu, out!


What happens now? Hunter X Hunter x Inazuma Eleven (HIATUS)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora