Chapter one: When Two Worlds Meet

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It was a quiet day at Raimon Jr High. Maybe a little too quiet. One thing changed though. The soccer team wasn't practicing! But why? The Raimon Eleven has a new member! Her name is Sumire Kariya. She's Masaki Kariya's twin sister, but also Takuto Shindou's girlfriend. She has long teal hair, fair skin, pink lips, and glossy gold eyes that looks like she's about to cry. She's very shy, but when you get to know her, she's really funny, and talks every once in a while.

Time skip brought to you by Koutei Penguin No.2 fighting Corona.

After school and practice, Shindou, Sumire, Tsurugi, Tenma, Kariya, and Kirino decide to go to Tenma's house for a sleepover. Don't ask why Shinsuke's not there. He's not going to be part of the story On the way there, they fall into a portal. Again  don't ask why. It's part of the story

They find themselves in a forest, and a boy around their age, with black and green hair, tanned skin, and hazel eyes, fishing. The boy turns around and jumps off a tree. "Oh. You're finally awake! What're guys' names? Mines Gon! Gon Freecss! Also, how did you guys get here? I've never seen you guys around here."

Tenma speaks up and says "I'm Tenma. Tenma Matsukaze. The boy with dark blue hair and gold eyes is my boyfriend, Kyousuke Tsurugi! The girly, not trying to be mean senpai, looking boy is Ranmaru Kirino, the boy with wavy brown-grayish hair is Takuto Shindou, the boy with teal hair is Masaki Kariya, Kirino's boyfriend, and finally, the girl is Sumire Kariya. Kariya's twin sister and Shindou-senpai's girlfriend. We were on our way to my house and we fell through something and we found ourselves here."

Sumire speaks up and corrects Tenma. "C-captain. I-I b-believe w-w-we f-f-f-fell through a p-portal s-s-s-s-somehow."

Gon looks up at the sky and jumps. He looks at the 6 persons in front of him and looks like he has a light bulb moment. "I know! Right now, I'm trying to catch the Lord of the Lake, so me and my little sister can take the Hunter's Exam. When I do, !maybe you six can come with us. How does that sound?"

Sumire thinks for a moment, then says "S-sure. W-we'll g-go with y-you."

Shindou looks at his shorter girlfriend and asks "Sumire, are you sure?"

Kariya puts his hand on the older's shoulder. "She's sure. Out of all of us, she's the one with the most trust issues. So since she says that, that means she trusts him. So we'll go."

The 6 teens decide to kick a ball around while waiting for Gon.

It's been about an hour, and Gon doesn't seem to have any progress. Gon jumps off the tree once again, and takes them to his house. He opens the door and is met with a woman around her mid 20's or her early 30's, greet Gon. "Oh, Gon. Who are they?"

Gon tells her the story and the 6 introduce themselves again.  (Well, more like Tenma introducing them instead) The woman introduces herself as Mito, Gon's aunt. Gon goes upstairs, and sets up 2 guest rooms, and then takes a bath.

After his bath, he tells the six to take one as well. Sumire stays behind and helps Mito with dinner for the time being. After the 5 boys are done, she takes one as well. After her bath, she sees a girl 2 years younger than her, sleeping on the couch. She has skin paler than hers, waist length chocolate hair, glossy pink lips, and what caught Sumire's attention the most was her pair of cat ears and tail. She shrugs is off and sets the table for dinner.

After setting the table and the food was set out, she sees the same girl rubbing her eyes, walking to the table. Gon goes up to her and hugs her. "AH! Lala, ohayou! Wait... It's night. Nevermind. Nice to see you're awake."

She speaks with a soft voice "Onii-sama, did you catch the fish?"

"Gomen, Lala. I didn't."

"Ii yo, Onii-sama. Maybe you can tomorrow. Also, can you wake me up when you do tomorrow? I wanna go with."

Gon pats her head and replies "I will."

"Nee, Onii-sama, who are they?"

"OH! They're people I found in the forest today. When I catch the fish, they'll be coming with us to the exam.'

Gon turns around, and the 6 teens now have a clear look at the younger girl. Her porcelain skin, her shiny chocolate waist length hair that shines in the dusk light,her brown cat ears, her tail moving slightly, and her shiny, glossy, emerald eyes. Out them all together and she looks like a porcelain doll.

"This is my little sister, Lalaya Freecss. She's 2 years younger than me, and we're taking the Hunter's Exam for the same reason. I don't want her to go, but she begged me, so she's going. My number one priority is to protect her. She's not very strong, but shes very athletic, but she tends to avoid the sun. NOW... TIME TO EAT!!!"

That's it for this chapter. I'm not gonna be posting a lot because the app is in my tablet, and I'm only aloud to use it for an hour, and the site won't let me edit the story, so I'll update when Im not playing any games with my family, or when I have the time. I'll update y'all on what's happening, so y'all don't get worried and think I'm dead. Thank you!!!!

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