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David felt himself coming to as he slowly opened his eyes and saw that he, Robert, Charleton, Hillary, Nick and Peter Rabbit were all inside a small cave with a fire set up and burning to illuminate the cave. The red fox that saved them and taken them away from Koval's Castle, though, was nowhere to be seen.

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The others woke up too and looked at him and each other before seeing the same thing as well. They all wondered where they were now and what just had happened.

They then noticed that next to them was a staff. It was the very same staff that they had seen the red fox use against Koval back at his castle!

David grabbed it and studied it. The gem that was attached to it glowed a bit and it looked like it could be worth a small fortune!

Before David could look at it even further, David found that he was still injured and the others were too. At the same time, David and the others turned to the entrance of the cave to see the three leaders of TEFF, Seth, Luke and Marcus and other members of TEFF standing before them.

"Oh, good! You're all awake!" Luke spoke to David and the others.

"When you didn't answer us when we called you, we got very worried, so we used trackers in your phones to find you and we were all shocked to find you here!" Seth added. "What happened there at the castle!?"

David and the others had no choice but to explain everything that had happened back there and the three leaders of TEFF were all shocked. Marcus punched one of the cave's walls in anger.

"Darn it! We should've known that Koval would be ready for if anyone tried to attack him with The Sword Of Evermore!" Marcus shouted in anger.

The three leaders of TEFF all faced David with looks of slight disappointment. "David! What were you thinking just attacking Koval on your own just like that! you could've easily been killed!" Seth reprimanded him.

"He hurt the princess and you gave us permission to fight Koval if necessary!" David tried to defend himself.

"Yes, but what you did was very stupid and reckless!" Seth scolded David. "You can't just charge into a battle and fight anyone without a plan or strategy! You also ignored our warnings about how dangerous Koval is and let your guard down and you underestimated him, which we explicitly told you and the others not to do!"

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