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A couple minutes later, David, Robert, Hillary, Nick and Charleton were led into The NT Room by Luke Rovallo after the the sealed entrance to said room room had been opened by some of the TEFF staff and scientists. The room itself was mostly an empty, white void.

However, there was also a couple bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a bedroom with 15 beds, a laundry room with a washing machine and a dryer and, of course, an area where they would be training, which had all sorts of obstacles and equipment that they would be using. David and the others were happy about this as at least they would have a means to use the bathroom, they wouldn't starve, they could wash their clothes and would have somewhere to sleep when they weren't training.

Once Luke, David, Hillary, Robert, Nick and Charleton were all inside, the entrance to The NT Room was sealed behind them. Everyone inside and outside said room knew they wouldn't be leaving that room for a year, which would only amount to half an hour in real time outside the room.

"Great! We're all stuck in here for an entire year!" David complained. "What are we going to be doing with 365 days of being stuck in here?"

"Training, of course! Did you forget?" Luke Rovallo reminded David. "We're not going to be in here to goof off and play games! I need to get you and the others ready for your mission!"

"Look! Even with this cool laser gun I was just given, I don't have the experience needed to-" David tried to say, but was interrupted.

"Nonsense! I think you have more potential than you give yourself credit for!" Luke told David. "Besides, with the right kind of training and exercise, you'll be ready for whatever you face at Koval's castle!"

"Still, I haven't used any weapons before and those obstacles in here look a bit crazy!" David pointed out even though this was not the case as the obstacles were only a rock climbing wall, a target course and a few other things.

"Don't worry about that now, David," Luke informed David. "We're not going to do any of that until later. Right now, we're going to focus spending the first 5 weeks just trying to get you and the others into good shape!"

"You mean we're just going to be exercising?" David asked.

"Yep, but a lot of it everyday!" Luke replied. "From every morning at 5AM until 6PM at night, we're going to be running laps, doing push-ups and sit-ups, lifting weights, doing stretching exercises including touching our toes and so much-"

"Oh, man!" David protested. "I'm not that very athletic, I don't run a lot that often, I can only do 10 sit-ups and push-ups before my body can't take it anymore and I hate reaching down and touching my toes the most!"

"Well, tomorrow will be our first day when we start doing that," Luke told David. "For the rest of today, we'll just get ourselves settled in and you and the others can all do what you want until then."

"If that's the case, I'm going to take advantage of this to get some more answers about Nick, Charleton, Robert and Hillary," David said.

"What kind of answers?" Charleton asked.

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