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"So, this is TEFF Headquarters, huh? I have to admit it looks pretty neat!" David said. "I don't suppose you have teleporters or hover cars here, do you?"

"TEFF has made many advancements over the years, but we aren't yet ready to teleport anything or anyone anywhere," Luke Rovallo replied. "As for hover cars, we do have them here, but we only have two of them and they're only prototypes that can only hover over the ground for 2-5 minutes once every couple hours."

"You don't have any robots here, do you?" David asked, still bothered by the robot warden, those robot guards and that robot gladiator that had tried to do him in earlier.

"We have all sorts of machines throughout our base, but we don't have any robots," Luke told David. "Even if they're not working for Koval, robots can still be very dangerous and unpredictable if they choose be. As such, we have an official policy here of not creating, using or having any robots at TEFF Headquarters!"

David sighed in relief. David was still confused by what was going on, but at least he didn't have to worry about being attacked by any evil robots where he was now!

"Look, kid! I know you have many questions, but now is not the time to play 20 Questions!" Luke informed David. "You need to come with me and see the two other leaders of TEFF, so that we can discuss our next move together before-"

David was about to argue, but before he could, he heard and felt his stomach growling. It was then that David finally remembered that he hadn't eaten for awhile and how hungry he really was!

Luke heard David's stomach growling, too. Upon looking more closely at David, it was then that Luke noticed just how skinny and starving David was!

"What the hebbatagas!" Luke Rovallo exclaimed. "When's the last time you've eaten, boy!?"

"It's been awhile!" David answered as he held his grumpy stomach. "All I know is that if I don't eat something soon, I think I'm going to collapse from hunger!"

"I can't take you to see the other leaders like this! This won't do!" Luke spoke as he grabbed David's hand. "Come with me, kid! You need to fill that tummy of yours ASAP! You can't help us if you end up starving to death!"

This time, David didn't protest, not only because he now lacked most of the energy to do so, but also because after going so long without eating, having some food again would be really nice right now! David was so hungry at this point, that he could eat almost anything!

Luke Rovallo swiftly led David down a few hallways in the base before they both entered another room, which was much bigger than the one they had been in before! In this room, there were even more TEFF men and women sitting down at many tables and eating all sorts of food.

"This is The Mess Hall!" Luke told David. "This is where we go to have all our meals."

Looking around the room, David noticed that he didn't see anywhere to get any food nor any vending machines to buy any snacks from either. "That's nice and all, but where in here do I get my food?" David demanded.

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