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David was shocked by what he had just heard. "What!?" David demanded. "Help you? With what!?"

The TEFF man facepalmed and was a bit annoyed by how slow David was listening and processing what he had been told. "TEFF needs your help!" The TEFF man repeated. "If we're going to save Princess Lesley and save Evermore, then we're going to need you to assist us!"

"Are you insane!? If it weren't for you and those other TEFF guys showing up, I would be dead by now!" David protested. "Besides, I'm only 12! How can someone like me help you save an entire country, especially when it's a country I didn't even knew that existed until just today!?"

"We'll discuss that once we get back to TEFF Headquarters!" The TEFF man replied. "Let's get going!"

"Nuh-uh!" David said as he shook his head. "I've had enough adventure and craziness to last me a lifetime already! I'm going back home! Back home, me and my mom may be poor and not have the most exciting lives, but at least things there make sense and you're not in danger of being killed by freakin' robots!"

"You don't understand, kid!" The TEFF man told David. "We're in big trouble and things are getting worse here everyday! If we're going to do anything about it, we need your help, especially when we confront King Koval himself!"

"Screw that, asshole!" David refused. "Dealing with dangerous and ruthless robots is crazy and life-threatening enough! I'm not going to take on a fucking giant that can crush me under his feet like a bug!"

"If you don't help us, Evermore is doomed! TEFF is dommed! And Princess Lesley is doomed!" The TEFF man informed David.

"But what can I do!? In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a warrior and until that fight between me and that gladiator robot back at Mozar Prison, I've never used or even touched any kind of weapon before in my life!" David pointed out. "I won't last long against more of those robots, much less against a giant like this infamous King Koval that I've heard of, that is, if what I've heard about him is true and not a bunch of huge over-exaggerations!"

"TEFF can help you out with whatever you need, but first we need to-" The Teff man tried to say, but was interrupted.

"Who are you, anyway?" David asked. "I won't even consider going with you to your headquarters or anywhere else, except back home, until you give me your name!"

"Fine! If it will help get things going, then I'll spill the beans!" The TEFF man agreed. "I don't tell many people outside TEFF my name, but to answer you're question, my name is Luke Rovallo, one of the three leaders of the TEFF organization!"

"Wait!" David questioned. "If you're one of the leaders of TEFF, then what are you doing here? Couldn't you have just gotten someone else to be tasked with getting me to come back to TEFF Headquarters instead?"

"I could've, but I thought that this mission required for me to get directly involved!" Luke Rovallo answered. "King Koval rarely does his own work and lets the TKES and his robot goons do it all for him, but me and the rest of TEFF all play our own parts and contribute to any efforts to put an end to Koval's cruel regime!"

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