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David, Hillary, Robert, Charleton, Nick and Peter Rabbit all braced themselves for a fight with General Magor and his fellow robot underlings. Despite the situation that they found themselves in, none of them were showing any visible signs of fear, although it was clear that inside, they were feeling rather nervous about this.

"General Magor!" Robert said. "How did you know we were here!?"

"It was just my intuition," General Magor replied before pointing at Nick. "But your little friend there using his gun, which made that loud noise that I detected also may have contributed as well!"

David and the others all turned to face Nick with angry and disappointed expressions on their faces. "NICK!" They all berated him in unison.

"It was an accident! I was about to get eaten by a spider and I panicked, so I used my laser gun and killed it!" Nick admitted. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be careless and I should've thought before having done that!"

Knowing that what's done was done, David and the others turned their attention back to General Magor and his robot cronies. "Where is Lesley?" David demanded.

"Do you think that our master, King Koval would be foolish enough to leave Princess Lesley alone here in his Treasure Room, where there was the chance that someone might sneak in and take her?" General Magor scoffed. "Please he's smarter than that!"

"But since you won't be alive for much longer, I might as well answer your question!" General Magor revealed. "If you're looking for the princess, she's with Koval himself! Koval almost always carries her around with him and it's rare when he doesn't!"

David and the others clenched their fists in anger. If what General Magor said was true, then even if they got out of this, they would have to deal with Koval as well to get to Princess Lesley! Things definitely weren't going according to plan now!

But they had no choice! David and the others then got serious and pulled out their laser guns.

With that, a battle between David and the others vs. General Magor and the robots with him began! As a result, The Treasure Room was filled with the sounds of loud noise and some damage to it was made here and there!

Both sides had to take cover to avoid taking hits from the opposing sides. They did this by going behind all the treasure and other valuable items throughout the room.

After awhile, after neither side had suffered any casualties, General Magor was getting fed up with this lack of progress. Not to mention, General Magor knew Koval would be furious if anymore damage came to The Treasure Room and he decided that he needed to take this battle elsewhere!

General Magor then gave his robot underlings a signal and they moved to follow him out of the Treasure Room. Seeing this, David and the others quickly followed after them as they knew that they couldn't afford to let them get away.

David and the others followed after Magor and his robot goons for what felt like hours until they found themselves in a room that was much larger than The Treasure Room! Looking up, they realized that they were actually in one of the castle's towers as there was a long flight of wooden stairs that went around and around and so on up to what was obviously must be the very top of the tower itself!

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