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And so, soon enough, a whole year in the NT Room went by, while only a half hour had passed outside said room. The whole time Marcus Rovallo and Seth Rovallo had been sitting down in chairs and had been waiting patiently for Luke, David, Robert, Hillary, Charleton and Nick to finish their year in the NT Room.

Sure enough, after the half hour had went by, the entrance to the NT Room opened up as out stepped Luke, David and the others all dressed in TEFF uniforms and looking ready to go! David, Hillary, Charleton, Nick and Robert now were in very good shape and felt much more confident about the mission than they had before entering the NT Room.

Like the others, David was now an expert shooter, knew how to and could fight in close-range and long-range combat and had great endurance, stamina, vigilance and stealth skills. They were ready to go to Koval's castle and rescue Princess Lesley and if necessary, face Koval himself, too!

David, Hillary, Nick, Robert and Charleton were then given special TEFF bags, which contained some food, some sharp blades to fight with if anything happened with their laser guns, some binoculars and their own phones, so that they could stay in touch with TEFF even while they were inside Koval's castle. But if that wasn't enough, then imagine their surprise when Marcus gave David, Nick, Hillary, Charleton and Robert each what looked like black and blue, metal backpacks, but were soon revealed to actually be jetpacks!

"Jetpacks!? You're giving us jetpacks!?" David exclaimed in shock and excitement as he had always imagined working as a secret agent or something and flying around with a jetpack and he had never thought that he would actually be touching one, much less going to be using one! "No way!"

"Trust me! You're going to need them!" Marcus explained. "Koval's castle is huge and you're going to need a good and fast away of getting around in there and possibly for when you escape with Princess Lesley, too!"

David, Robert, Nick, Hillary and Charleton all agreed as Marcus quickly explained to them on how to use their jetpacks. But after that was out of the way, it was time to go!

"Alright, recruits, we're leaving immediately!" Seth informed David, Robert, Charleton, Nick and Hillary. "We have a van waiting for you outside, which you will be riding in on your way to Koval's castle."

"I'll drive the-" Luke offered, but was interrupted.

"Sorry, Luke, but you just spent a whole year in the NT Room training our 5 special recruits all on your own. You deserve a little break," Seth reminded his brother. "Besides, you promised me that I would be the one in charge of driving the recruits to Koval's castle awhile back, remember?"

"Oh, yeah!" Luke recalled. "Okay then."

"But didn't you tell us that you can't come on the mission with us?" Hillary questioned.

"We said that me, my brothers and the rest of TEFF can't go in the castle with you and can't get to close to it," Marcus corrected Hillary. "Seth is just going to drive you around until you're a certain walking distance from the castle. It will be after that and from there, that you will all have to do the rest all by yourselves."

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