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Charleton had been very busy himself checking out every room that he had come across and had made no progress in locating The Treasure Room, where Lesley was supposed to be at whatsoever. None of the rooms he had seen or been to had had anything of interest to him either. But that was about to change.

Getting bored and fed up with doing all this searching alone in this part of the castle, Charleton just sighed in annoyance before ultimately deciding that he would check one more room by himself. At this point, he doubted that the next room would happen to be The Treasure Room.

What Charleton did know was that if it wasn't The Treasure Room or at least had something that was worth all this, then he was going to press the blue button on his phone and go and find the others. Even flying around with his jetpack and having his cool laser gun was starting to get tiring.

Then, Charleton saw it. A large door that looked like it belonged to the evil witch's house from the Hansel And Gretel fairytale stood at the very end of the hallway that Charleton was in and actually seemed to look like it was made of candy!

This was more than enough to get Charleton intrigued as he flew over to it with his jetpack

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

This was more than enough to get Charleton intrigued as he flew over to it with his jetpack. Out of curiosity, Charleton even tried to taste the door, only to find out that it wasn't really made of candy at all and was just painted and designed really well to look like that was the case.

Spitting to get the taste off his tongue, Charleton then became frustrated. "That's the last time I put my tongue or mouth on any door!" Charleton told himself.

After getting over this, Charleton made his way inside after opening the door, only to find himself moving through darkness as the room was pitch-black. Charleton then figured it would be best to land and be on the ground as opposed to flying around as he didn't feel comfortable flying around in a room where he couldn't see anything around him. Not to mention, that the only light in the room was coming from the tiny gap of the open door that he had entered this room through.

Charleton didn't like it, though, when the door to the room suddenly closed, leaving him with no light in the room at all! But Charleton didn't have time to think about what closed the door as he heard something coming his way!

At first, Charleton had no idea what it could be, but as the source of the sound got closer, he could now recognize it as the familiar sounds of an incoming train! Sure enough, Charleton saw the bright front lights coming a large train and to Charleton's horror, he looked down at the ground where he was standing to see that he was right in the middle of a set of train tracks, which meant that the train was going to head right into him!

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