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Sunday came quicker than Chloe could have imagined. This whole week felt like she was waiting for a blizzard to hit. At first she was calm and relaxed, but slowly and surely as the day grew closer and closer so did her anxiety.

She was in a good place with him before all this meet the parents stuff happened, but he was just so excited. He saw this as a light shining down on them.

She sat on her bed pulling up her stockings, then slipped the dress over her head without much thought.

Chloe went down to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror.

Her dress was a simple brown and black church dress. Very bland and plain and one that she was sure his parents would approve of.

If it wasn't for Daniel's supportive text messages throughout the week, she would've canceled on him.

She knew that he had to be going through it at his job, but he never ceased to stop thinking about her. He was literally her rock in South Korea.

She had just stopped having mini panic attacks when they got intimate, and even through it all he never complained. He just held her and waited until she felt comfortable again. Now she felt completely comfortable with him naked, which was begging to be a whole other problem. Their dates nights were all turning into Netflix and chill nights. Chloe chuckled to herself, as she pulled at the dress trying to get into the right position.

He remained unchanged, kind, and accepting. Sometimes she wondered if she even deserved him.

Other times she wondered if it was even worth all the hassle. His father's stern and disgusted face still haunted her in her dreams. She shivered involuntarily.

Their were parts of her opening up to him that sometimes scared her. She talked about some of it, with her therapist, but there were some things she kept to herself.

Although Daniel probably didn't know this, she often battled with herself late at night about her future. Their future.

Her heart wasn't ready to give him up, but she knew deep down that this wasn't the place for her long term. She couldn't see herself marrying here and living out the rest of her life here. Even the thought just gave her the heebie-jeebies. Eventually she would have to leave.

The more she thought about her and Daniel's future, and the obstacles in front of them the more she wanted to just cower at home.

Chloe stood up and gave herself a once over in the mirror. She sighed, she would probably never be ready for the evening ahead.

Her hair was braided back into a halo braid hairstyle, and her makeup was light and natural. She had fake diamond studs in her ears and a plain silver bracelet.

From the bathroom she heard her phone ring, and her heart jumped in response. She held the bathroom sink with both hands and looked at herself in the mirror.

You can do this! If Daniel can do all these amazing things for you then you can do one night with his parents.

She went out and grabbed her phone from the kitchen island. She saw Daniel's name and pressed talk.

"Hey, I'm downstairs!" His voice was upbeat and jovial.

"Okay!" Chloe said trying to match his tone, but it was impossible. She was sure he heard the nerves in her voice. Chloe hung up and checked herself one last time before heading out.

Chloe breath caught in her throat when she saw Daniel. His 6'3 athletic frame leaned against a car. He wore a navy suit with a casual t-shirt. His jet black hair was slicked back and the angles of his face showed through more than usual. As soon as his lips turned up in a smiled and he started beaming so hard his eyes crinkled on the side. Dear Lord, this man was fione.

Daniel walked up to her and embraced her in a hug. Chloe's nerves melted off as soon as she was encased in his arms. The smell of his cologne surrounded them and just for a minute. All thoughts of the world around them ceased. There were no parents. No impending breakup. No heartbreak. Just Daniel and her.

He pulled away and a huge smile spread across her face. There was her Daniel.

"Hi" Chloe looked up shyly.

"Hi" Daniel said back and gave her a peck on the lips. "You look beautiful." His breath tickled her ear as he spoke.

"Everything will be fine." He kissed the top of her head releasing her. She stepped back and nodded in agreement.

"So are we taking a taxi? Or the train?" Chloe grabbed his hand ready for them to take their leave.

"Neither." Chloe gave him a puzzled look as he turned around and gestured to the car he was just leaning on.

"We are going in this?" She pointed at the car. "I didn't know you knew how to drive? Let alone that you owned a car? "

Daniel smirked and placed a hand on her lower back, gently guiding her to the black car. He opened the back door of the car.

"I actually do know how to drive, but you are right I don't have my own car." He nodded with his head for her to get in. "This is my parent's car."

Chloe slid into the backseat and Daniel followed suit.

"My parents sent a driver for us." Daniel said as he slid across the leather seats. Chloe looked at the car and almost jumped as she saw an old man in the driver's seat.

"This is my parent's driver." He nodded his head to the older Korean man in the driver's seat. At his words, the car took off smoothly.

"So," Daniel looked over to her with a shaky smile. "Are you ready?" His knees bounced as he talked. His eyes looked a bit wild.

Chloe turned to him and for the first time noticed that he was actually nervous. Maybe even just as nervous as her. It was rare that Daniel wasn't confident, or unsure of himself. At least that's what it looked like to her. This was a rare sighting indeed.

Chloe cupped his face with her hand commanding his full attention.

"I am nervous, but together I think we can do this." She gave him a smiled. "I hope your parents like me, or will grow to like me."

Daniel placed his hand over hers. "They have to like you because I refuse to give you up anytime soon." He breathed out a breath of air and Chloe could see him starting to relax. His legs stopped shaking and his smile became more genuine.

It's crazy. Neither one of them have said the L-word yet, but it was clear there was clearly some love in the air between them. She sighed, the things she got herself into.

Chloe smiled back at him and dropped her hand. Deciding to look out the window instead.  

For the Love of Kimchee (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now