Brielle said with a chuckle. Harry moved his gaze down to the sword she had drawn just as his father seemed to, Harry broke out into a huge smile while his father's expression sunk with frustration,

"That doesn't belong to you!"

Captain Hook shouted as he pointed to the blade. Brielle didn't lower it,

"I'm aware of that, this also doesn't belong to me right?"

Brielle took her free hand and slowly pulled up the chain of her necklace, the Celtic knot staring Captain Hook down. Brielle realized how frazzled he got, so she took a step forward as she held the necklace,

"She wouldn't like this would she? I'm sure she didn't appreciate it when you kidnapped and hurt her son, and seeing as she can't be here I told her I'd get Harry back for the same reason she would. Because I love him"

Brielle took another step forward, Captain Hook took one back as Harry looked on in awe. She was actually getting in his head and Harry could barely believe it,

"W-Well she's dead! She can't do anything!"

Brielle smirked and looked at the shimmering blade as it reflected in the moonlight,

"Not if I can help it, she's not here physically but she's still here, isn't she? She lives through her children, Harry very much included. You hurt her when you hurt him, how does that make you feel hm? Especially because you can't say you're sorry. You loved her, didn't you? Why can't you let Harry have that? Bring back too many memories that you should be reminiscing about instead of drinking to?"

Captain Hook was furious, Brielle was picking him apart and getting things right without her having factual knowledge of it. Suddenly he drew his sword and lunged at Brielle, Harry about shrieked in horror right then and there.

However Brielle expected it, she wanted to anger Captain Hook herself. She smirked and took a step back before jumping back into a back handspring to avoid his harsh strike attempts, when she landed on her feet she got into a proper stance,


She whispered to really kick start her fighting brain. She lunged at him and their swords clashed for the first time. Harry at that same time did a quick scan at the pirates advancing towards him,

"Any chance ya could call for that backup ya mentioned?"

Harry called out to Brielle right as pirates began advancing towards him. She kicked Captain Hook in the chest, making his drunk brain fail him in moving his feet to prevent him from falling,

"Oh yeah, of course! Lonnie, Jay! Now!"

Out sprinted Lonnie and Jay right on cue from the alleyway Brielle first came out of. They had watched every move she made, always having to stop each other from heading to her rescue too early as they both had to remember to trust her judgment. They drew their swords and jumped right into the fight right as the first few pirates started getting at Harry as well, a full-blown fight breaking out.

Harry flipped his hook into his hand and tossed his sword some before cracking his neck,


He muttered with a sinister smirk before beginning his attack on his ex-attackers with cruel force as he felt himself redeeming revenge. Brielle casually outwitted Captain Hook as much as she could, which in his drunken state wasn't too hard. Lonnie and Jay went beside their friends, Jay sticking with Harry and fighting alongside him and Lonnie defending Brielle from other pirates who tried to help their Captain.

Brielle pulled out quite a few tricks in the book, she did all different kinds of flips often as a way of dodging attacks, Captain Hook took a second and slowed his attacks,

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