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Let's get back to Zaniah's point of view, enjoy reading!




I can't move when I saw her face, she doesn't look like a 60 years old grandmother, she's indeed looking 40's. There's also a change in the way she wears clothes, before, she always wears coats, now she finally learned how to wear decent clothes. It's been 4 months since I last saw and talk to her!

Now, she's finally in front of me, I missed her so much!

"Mimi, I missed you so much!"

I shouted and ran towards her, welcoming her with a tight and warm hug. I actually don't like clingy but Mimi Janine is a huge part of my life, and I missed her. I was just clingy and extra sweet when I'm with the person I love the most.

We released from our hugs, she held me on my shoulders and examine my face.

"You look more beautiful, you're not stressed huh?" She asked

I was about to speak when Mom speaks, "Syempre naman, Mommy, mana sa Nanay."

She confidently said while placing the back of her palm under her chin. But Mimi just laughed at her, while dad kissed her on her forehead that made me grinned my teeth.

Oh lord, please give them a room.

I rolled my eyes and faced Mimi, she looked at me, waggling her brows and mocking me with her look.

"Well, did you miss your Mimi's cook?"

I stopped, "Yes,"

"Guess what?"

"A buttered shrimp and pesto?" I immediately asked

She smiled, "You got it, sweetie, I have cooked for you."

"Thank you, Mimi..." I responded

I grew up having her by my side, her foods are my comfort food and I can't recover from stress only if she'll cook my favorite. Buttered shrimp and pesto, and in 4 months of being apart from her, I would love to taste her food again.

I do miss this!

She held my shoulder, "Come on, let's eat."

I nodded and followed them to the dining area, I sat down on the chair next to her, and minutes passed by, Lola Irene came together with Mom, Dad, Hiero, Caffie, and Jemimah.

Hiero is my younger brother, a hard-headed teenager. He's the youngest among the smith, next is Jemimah, she's in her 2nd-year college and wants to pursue being a pilot. And the next to the oldest is Caffie, she graduated business administration and expecting to be the one who'll handle Smith's and Williams.

But like what we expected, smith and Williams are huge. Caffie can't handle it all by herself, I know someday she'll need our help— but I just don't want to think about it right now. I was just stressing myself.

I would love to eat with the usual set up but we are not complete. Tita Charity, Tito Xavier, and their children were not here. Well, I was just used to eat with them.

Our maid serves our food, as the usual set up, my siblings are afraid of me. They are waiting until I say it's okay to put food on their plates.

Well, it's a thing called manners.

I gestured them to start eating and they started to put some foods on their plates. In the middle of eating, I looked at Mimi with a narrow eyes.

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