Chapter 23: Good morning

Start from the beginning

A whisper exited her lips as she looked down onto the floor, her eyes shining with an uncertain emotion, her shoulders feeling a burden yet a relive from looking away from Nikolay.

R1s: ... However neither that hate nor fear will justify my actions of the end I want... But I still don't see an answer to the question I asked


Nikolay: Agh... We are in another area shouldn't they have already blowed off all the auxiliary paths?

R1s moved her hand and closed and opened her hand repeatedly as she finally was getting a grip on her body, soon after getting off Nikolay and with trembling legs recomposed herself in a matter of seconds, rushing quickly after to grab Nikolay and help him maintain his posture. This took him by total surprise as he didn't expect for R1s to recompose herself so quickly.

R1s: How the hell are you even walking properly?!

She yelled at him with anger and worry exiting through her words, Nikolay just let out a silent giggle that couldn't be heard as he did his best to tend to himself, R1s however just saw silence from his end making her shake him a bit not too much to make him feel worse but just to sober him up.

R1s: What the hell did you do?!

Her heart was shrunk into a mere dot as she fully knows Nikolay ended up like this somehow, that somehow being most probably her fault, no it was for sure for her, she almost killed her commander yet again without even noticing at first.

Before Nikolay could respond an explosion could be heard from afar making their ears ring as the shockwave reached their area lifting up dust and dirt with it as a building crumbled to its foundations, Nikolay used his only arm to check for his pistol getting it off R1s as he reached for his MP433 Grach releasing the current magazine and letting it fall to the ground as he quickly opened one of his pouches and loaded a fresh magazine into it, racking the pistol after with the help of a metal piece from his utility belt.

Nikolay: You can yell at me later I gotta get you out of here first


R1s: What in the world am I supposed to do if answering a question makes me wonder about more answers to different questions?...

Doubt invaded her eyes glint as the sterile floor of this medical room slightly reflected her figure on it, even if it was dark, even if it was night, she could still see herself as if it was a mirror we were talking about.

R1s: If I answer those questions will I get out of this vicious cycle?... You can't answer me now, however... So how am I supposed to make a decision when I don't know the answer to how to make a decision...?

Her eyes lifted back again as they gave a look at Nikolay's unconscious body, maybe hoping for him to respond or react somehow to her whisper, yet she just got back the same response that she feared and was paranoid from a long time ago now, silence, deep intricate silence that couldn't be described either by its situation or its persistent effect on the room.


Nikolay: Everyone alright?

Ak47: We are fine over here

Responded Ak47 as she reloaded her rifle and rubbed off dirt from her cheek looking over at Nikolay after with worry, even if she wasn't close to him nor knew about him before this operation she was pretty certain a commander can be walking like that with his arm cut off, much more commanding the battlefield.

Nikolay: Great, someone pass me the comms I need to contact Julian

R1s: ... Where are the others?

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