"But she had already seen it when you walked in, so what was going to be your excuse with the basket, if she wouldn't have accepted the deal."

"We won't have to worry about that since she did accept the deal. Anyways mr. mew I'm done packing now. Let's take our leave."

"Don't you think that calling me 'Mr.' All the time sounds a bit dull. I think you should call me sir."

"I know it sounds dull. But I prefer to call you 'Mr.' because everyone else already calls you sir. And I refuse to be everyone else. Or if you want I can just call you directly by your first name."

So he doesn't want to call me sir because it sounds basic? Tsk but I want to see how he would say my name then.

"Then try calling me Mew. Instead."

"No, that's highly unprofessional, also if you wanted me to call you by your first name, you should have told me that from the start."

Why is he always so vague. Like it wouldn't hurt to pretend to like your boss or even pretend to be nice. Last I checked I didn't even do anything wrong to him. My first time bothering him was like yesterday.

"Never mind."

"Okay, are you ready? Its time to go."

I just nodded and walked out of the room.

"Are you done for the day or do you still have work in the office?"

"My shift starts later in the day. So I'm just dropping you off at the office and then coming back later."

Isn't that a bit hectic. Why doesn't he just do all his work now and then get out early.


He dropped me off at the office, then drove off.


"Ugghhh that was soo stressful. This is why I don't do early morning shifts."

I said to myself as I rolled back and forth in my bed.

*ring* *ring*

Rubbing my hands around my bed, I tried to find my phone. It felt the bump and picked it up.


I hummed as I answered the call

"Gulfie! Since you did a great job today at the meeting with model retna, don't ask how I know, you can have the day off."

"Thank you, but I don't need the day off, so you'll be seeing me at the office later."

"Such a waste. If I was you I would gladly accept the kind offer."

"And that's why we are not the same."

"Anyway, the offer is still up if you want it."

"No, thanks. You can keep it."

"Mood killer. Okay I'm hanging up."


With the last hmm I heard a loud beep in my ear. I went back to rolling back and forth in my bed, and groaning.

"Ughhhhh should I take a break? But if I take one now then I'm going to start taking one more frequently."

I ended up nagging myself to sleep.
Rolling on my side, my eyes slowly opened.

"What time is it?"

I slid my hand around again for the second time today to locate my phone. Feeling the bump once again I picked it up.

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