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It was 8:00 at night, and you were in your office.

You: Let's see-

Ring... Ring...

Incoming call from Nayeon

You: What the.

You hit the answer button and put your phone against your ear.

You: Unnie?

You hear the panic in her voice.

Nayeon: Daepyonim... Help...

???: My love, wait!

Just then, the call ends.

You: Unnie? Unnie!

Bzzz bzzz...

You see a text from Nayeon, sending her location.

You: Venom?

Venom comes out from your body.

Venom: Reporting.

You: Ready?

Venom: Let's go!

You run out of the office, making your way to the roof.

Venom: Don't tell me-

You: As long as we don't hit rock bottom.

You take a deep breath and run towards the table, getting on top of it and jumping over the railing.

You: Mask!

You start to transform into your suit, swinging from one light pole to another.




Somewhere wherever Nayeon is at...

Nayeon keeps on running as the stalker follows her trail.

Josh: Wait, Nayeon, I have to tell you something!

Nayeon: Go away!

She takes a left, entering a dead-end valley, but when she starts to run back until Josh blocks her path.

Josh: Going somewhere, my love?

Nayeon starts to panic as she walks backward until her back hits the wall.

Nayeon: (Where are you, Y/N-ah?)

Josh: You know, Nayeon...

He starts to fidget something on his hand.

Josh: I never got a message from you ever since I first got into that flight last year.

Nayeon: W-What is that?

Josh stops fidgeting, showing a brass knuckle ring.

Josh: Oh, this? It's just something that I'll be using once your manager comes and saves you.

You arrived near Nayeon's location, watching down to see Nayeon. You quickly pull out your phone, calling the police.

Receptionist: Hello, this is-

You: [Your location], please hurry.

You quickly end the call before the receptionist could say anything, and you jumped down, landing in front of Nayeon.

Nayeon: What the-

Josh: Who the hell are you?

You slowly look up, changing your voice.

Manager Venom [Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat