Part 9

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**Gulf's POV**

I wake up to the feeling of stiff arms wrapped around me.

What the fuck!!!

After a few seconds, everything from earlier comes rushing back to me and I groan.

Why him?

Why did I tell him my secret out of everyone else that I know...

Carefully moving his arm from my hip, I reach over to my nightstand to grab my phone so I can see the time. Its currently 5:30 in the morning.

It's soooo earlyy...

Except, my bigger problem is that, I currently have Mew in my bed that seems to have spent the night here after our little talk last night. How am I supposed to wake him up to tell him to leave?

Wait a second...

I- I kissed him last night...


I run a hand through my hair in anger and that movement seems to accidently nudge Mew in the side.


Please don't wake up. I still don't know what I'm supposed to do or say to you yet...

How does he have the power to make me put my guard down every time I see him?

Well, I don't think I'll be getting any more sleep for today... So I guess I'll go make some breakfast.

Very carefully, I pull myself from underneath Mew and tip toe to my kitchen. With a lot of patience and stealth, I try to cook myself some eggs and bacon.

Mew: Saying from behind me making me jump in surprise. "What are you doing?"

He wraps his arms around my waist and looks over my shoulder at the eggs and bacon in my pan.

Gulf: Staring at his arms around my waist feeling kind of nervous. "Better question is what are you doing?"

I try to pry his arms from me but he holds tight and rests his head against my shoulder.

Mew: "Can't you just give in to me a little bit? Just a little. Please..."

I mean why should I though? He keeps getting to me and its driving me nuts.

I need to keep him out of my mind. Last night should have never happened. He keeps confusing my emotions and I need to focus on my grades. They've been slipping since I came to this new school.

I haven't felt any true feelings for anyone since Mild. I kind of feel like I'm betraying him by falling for Mew. Especially when I couldn't even return Kaownahs love.

What is wrong with me...

I shake my head and pull his hands off of my waist and turn off the stove, moving my food onto a plate and walking away to go sit down at the table that we used for studying last night.

I cross my legs on the floor and sit down as I look over Mews work from last night and stuff my face with eggs and bacon, ignoring Mew who is still standing in the kitchen where I left him.

That's when I start to notice that Mew's handwriting actually looks really familiar but I can't seem to figure out where from.

This is going to bug me...

Gulf: I point at his notes and look up at him. "Hey Mew, your handwriting looks really familiar. Do you have any guess as to why that is?"

He turns around to look at me for the first time since I sat down and shakes his head looking sad.

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