Part 2

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**Mew's POV**

As our personal driver is bringing Perth and I to school, that's when the weight of the deal I made with my brother hit my shoulders. I don't know if I can go through with it. We were drunk and made a stupid bet, that's all it was.

Mew: Looking at a pissed off Perth in the seat next to me. "Do I really have to do this? It's so stupid."

Perth: Starting to perk up a bit and looking smug. "If it's that dumb then you have no problem doing it, huh? You can't back out, we made a deal."

Mew: "But two weeks is not enough time Perth."

Perth: "Pshh, I believe in you. Even though I shouldn't be rooting for you since that would mean I lose the bet, but you know Mew. You need to get laid. I'm tired of seeing you moping around over your ex. Grow a back bone will you. He cheated on you and you broke it off. Get a hold of yourself."

Mew: I look away from him and stare out the window. "You don't have to be so harsh."

So basically the stupid bet I made with my brother was that if I can get the first new kid I see to become my boyfriend in the first two weeks of school then Perth will make our dad stop bugging me about taking over the family business when I become of age and he would take over instead. Everyone assumes its Perth who is going to take it over, but I am actually the older one and I really do not want to be the boss. Anyways, if I win the bet then Perth takes over the family business and we leave it at that.

I really should not have made that bet.

Shitt, were almost at the school.

Mew: "seriously Perth, why can't you just take over. You don't mind doing it anyways. Why make it difficult for me."

Perth: He grins at me. "Because it's fun this way."

As the driver pulls up In front of the school. Perth gets out first and then I follow. To my fucking luck Perth also notices the three new kids standing a few feet away from us. Fuckkk...

Perth: Under his breath so that the three guys can't hear us. "Look what we've got over here. Go ahead Mew, choose one and start your journey of loveeee." He says mockingly.

I swear to god I am going to punch him into next week.

I look over at the three guys and for some reason the guy in the middle catches my eye. He's got his hand on his friends chest as the other friend is talking rapidly like he's in a marathon. The middle guy is pretty attractive.

 This might actually be fun after all.

Mew: "I choose the guy in the middle. Now I just need to figure out what his name is and which class he is in."

As we walk into the building and turn the corner. One of the guys from earlier quickly passes us.

Perth: Running up to the guy and gently grabs his arm. "Hey my names Perth, my brother here is Mew. He was curious as to what your friends name was."

Off: Looking kind of confused. "Which friend?"

That's when I decide to speak up. It Is my challenge after all. Might as well go all out.

Mew: "The one that was touching the other guys chest, what was his name?"

Off: "Oh that one, his name is Gulf, the guy next to him is Kaownah. There my best friends, recently they've been acting really weird though so I didn't want to be around them."

Mew: "Acting weird how?"

Off: Seeming kind of nervous. "I don't know if that's really important for you guys to know, I don't really know you guys like that."

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