part 1

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**Gulf's POV**

I can't believe my school closed down. Like what school does that and on my senior year too? Thankfully there is one that is not too far from my house. I'm definitely not happy with the fact that the academic scores are no were near as high as my old school but I mean what am I going to do. It's just empty walls now. Hopefully my dream university will still except me even with this schools academic scores. If not I'm screwed.

Kaownah: Coming from the direction behind me. "Gulf, hey Gulf wait up. You're really just going to leave me and Off back here. By ourselves. All aloneee to walk to a new school..."

Shit. I had kind of forgotten about them as I was ranting in my head about the new school.

Gulf: I turn around on my heels and start to walk backwards. "That's what you get for waking up so late. You know if Mild was here he would have told you the same thing." As soon as those words left my mouth I automatically regretted them. Why the fuck did I say that. "Shit. Kaownah I'm sorry."

Mild was Kaownahs younger brother, he was also my best friend since I was born. About 6 months ago, we found out that Mild was found dead on the side of an alley. We held a funeral for him and since then, Off and I have tried to avoid bringing him up but damn that sentence just seemed to flow out. The sad thing is that it's true. He would have said that. He use to always get onto Kaownah about going to sleep too late and waking up too late.

Kaownah: He waves his arm dismissing what I just said and points towards the school that's coming into view. "It's all good man, I know you meant well... We're going to seriously be late if we don't hurry. The bell is going to ring in 30 min."

The three of us quickly hurry to the front gates of the school in complete silence.

 I feel terrible. I shouldn't have said that. 

As were walking down the court yard towards the front door. Our walking path gets interrupted by one of the fanciest looking cars I've ever seen. Kaownah, Off and I just stand there like idiots as two really hot guys get out of the back seat. Damn who are those guys.

Gulf: I kind of lightly smack Kaownah in the chest. "Who are those guys?"

Off: He looks at my hand on Kaownah's chest and shakes his head. "The shorter dude is called Perth. His dad is the multi-millionaire business owner in the country. Which means that Perth is the first in line to inherit the business. The taller dude is Mew. His mother was Perth's house maid and died when Mew was young. Perth's family ended up adopting him as their own son and now they are known as the bad boy duo because there always causing trouble for their father. I've heard that Mew is worse than Perth but that's just rumors I heard. Either way, I think it would be best if all of us try to avoid those two at all cost." He starts to walk away and then turns around and stops. "Oh yea, also watch out for their friend Gun, apparently he is the schools play boy and sleeps with guys only. Sooo watch your backs."

Before we could respond to that overwhelming amount of information, Off walks into the school and turns a corner. Well so much for us all going to class together Off.

Gulf: I turn to Kaownah confused as fuck. "What's his problem? Is he upset that I asked you and not him? How would I know which one of you knew who that was." I shake my head and rest my arm on his shoulders as we walk into the school. "I swear, Off is kind of weird, he's always quiet unless he's with us or drunk. I mean he is one of our closest friends but why would he know so much about those two guys?"

Kaownah: He laughs under his breath and grabs my hand pulling me towards the bathrooms. "He's our friend Gulf, He's been like that since we were little. He knows about everyone. You just don't pay attention because your always studying or taking practice tests." He pulls me into a stall. "Now are you going to continue to talk about Off or are you going to let me burn off some steam before class."

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