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"You're the last person I would ever call given the situation I'm in, but I'm desperate."

In what kind of trouble did he get himself into this time? "What the fuck did you do this time Tommy?"

"I got picked up last night for drinking while driving," I heavily sigh. "Maddox called in a favor and they released me, but I need you to pick me up."

"I told you I'm busy Tommy," I say getting into my car. "I have class and I can't bail."

"C'mon man," Tommy complains. "I've already used my one phone call on you, trust me, I wouldn't be asking if I had someone else that could come to pick me up."

"Fine, but let it be clear that you owe me, Tommy Scott," I say turning on the ignition. "What precinct?"

"Bowling Park Precinct," Tommy replies.

"I'll be there in fifteen."

Before driving off to the precinct I texted Everest that I wasn't going to be able to make it. Can we talk after practice? Something came up. I can't make it to Emerson's class. The precinct wasn't that far from campus so I was parked in front of the precinct waiting for Tommy to walk out of the police station. It wasn't a long wait, thankfully, because in just a few minutes Tommy walked out and was walking towards my car.

"Thank you for picking me up," Tommy says getting into my car. "The boys were busy today and I would rather be buried alive before I ever ask my dad to come to pick me up. I'm in enough trouble with him as it is."

"I wonder why," I tell Tommy giving him a look. There's a reason why Conrad threw Tommy out of the house and it definitely wasn't for drinking. "I would've loved to see the look on your face if I had called Conrad to come to pick you up instead."

"That's real funny Connery," Tommy glares. "I would've loved to see you try though, you would've been a dead man just for pulling that kind of stunt."

I laugh. "Where do you want me to drop you off?"

"You want to get rid of me so soon?" Tommy asks and I nod.

"Unlike you, I actually have places to be Tommy. Important places, to be more specific, I don't spend my days fucking around as you do."

"You mean that you have to go back to your boring life," Tommy says and I roll my eyes. "I may fuck around, but my life is way more interesting than yours, that's for sure."

"I wouldn't call being high and drunk almost every day an interesting life," I tell Tommy. "You better start getting your life together, your buddies aren't going to bail you out every time you get into trouble. And the more favors you ask Maddox, the more you owe him. You know what happens when you don't pay up."

"You end up just like Fai, buried six feet underground." I flinched at the mention of Fai's name. My mind instantly traveled to that night. "But don't worry about me, I can take care of myself and Maddox knows he can't touch me."

"I find that hard to believe," I tell Tommy. I don't know who the hell he thinks he is. Maddox can touch whoever the fuck he wants, period. That's one of the many reasons why I keep going back to Laguna Seca. "What could you possibly have on him?"

"Information, valuable information," Tommy replies. "And don't ask, it's none of your business little bro. You're in enough trouble with Maddox as it is."

"I wasn't going to ask anything," I reply. "As you said, it's not of my business, and I would love to stay out of the mess you're in. Especially if it involves Maddox."

"He's not that untouchable Connery, if you knew what he hides you would've walked away a long time ago. Fai was just stupid." Tommy says. "What I would like to know is if you're still going out with that chick."

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