43 | We're Dating

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you don't like him?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Let's stop talking about him now, shall we?"

Brooke doesn't say anything again as they turn into Steph's street. When she pulls into Steph's driveway, Steph thanks her for the ride.

Brooke rolls her eyes and remembers something.
"Hey. Do you have a dress for your date?"

"Nope. Can't I just wear jeans and a hoodie?" She grins at Brooke.

"No way! We're going shopping after school tomorrow, okay?" Brooke says with a glint in her eyes at the idea of going shopping.

"Whatever," Steph grumbles as she opens the door and hops out with her backpack.
Brooke watches Steph enter the house before backing out of the driveway with a serious look on her face.

Instead of heading home, she heads in the opposite direction.
Few minutes later, Brooke pulls over by the curb near her destination. She gets out of her car and head for the porch with a determined look on her face. She rings the doorbell and a little girl opens it after a while.
On seeing her, Brooke's lips break into a smile.

"Aww. You must be Emily. You're so cute," Brooke coos, bending a little to flick Emily's nose.

"Em? Who's at the door?" Brooke gears Chris' voice before he appears behind Emily.

He stares at her in surprise.
"Brooke? What are you doing here?" Chris asks. He looks behind her as if expecting someone to be there.

"I came alone," Brooke announces after noticing the way he looked behind her. "We need to talk. Can I come in?"

Chris hesitates. "Uhm.... Sure."

Emily gets back into the house and Chris ushers Brooke in then shuts the door after getting in also.

Brooke sits on the same couch with Emily.
"Emily, I'm Brooke. I'm Stephanie's best friend."

"Stephanie? My babysitter?"

Brooke nods.

"Oh, nice to meet you. Why didn't Stephanie come with you?" Emily pouts.

"I didn't tell her I was coming here and besides, she has homework to do," Brooke answers.

Emily frowns. "Oh."

"Don't worry. You'll get to see her soon, okay?"

"Okay," Emily smiles.

The look on Brooke's face changes as she directs her gaze to Chris' figure.
"We need to talk."

"Uhm... okay." He turns to Emily. "The Pizza is on the island, Em. Go eat. I'll join you soon."

Emily nods and heads for the kitchen.
Once she's out of sight, Chris asks. "What could you possibly want to talk about that made you to drive all the way here?"

"Please, have a seat." Brooke orders in a business like tone.

Chris raises a questioning eyebrow but sits opposite her.
"What's this about?"

"Steph told me what happened!" Brooke deadpans.

"Okay," Chris drawls. "What happened?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I'm not an idiot."

"I'm sure your parents are very proud."

Brooke glowers at him menacingly.

"Did Hazel send you here?" Chris questions.

"No, she didn't. Were you deaf when I told Emily that she doesn't even know that I'm here?" Brooke lets out a breath. "Now, about what you told her in school."

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