25 | Halloween Decorating Gone Wrong

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Freya walked into the main living area to find Clint and Scott, decorating for Halloween. She chuckled quietly, because of the way the two Avengers were running around like kids on Christmas morning.

"What's this?" Freya asked, walking further into the room. "We're decorating for Halloween!" Scott squeaked, and Freya smiled. She saw orange string light wrapped around the railing and around the edge of the ceiling. She saw some cobwebs dripping down a few of the walls with spiders secured inside them. There was a jack-o-lantern on the counter, and a few candles next to it.

Clint grabbed a bag with garlic cloves inside, and hung them on the ceiling. "Now the vampires and ghosts can't get us!" He yelled. But Scarlett didn't hear him, because her head started to hurt, and she was shaking uncontrollably. She looked up at Clint, who looked very concerned.

"Freya?" Clint asked, walking closer. He still held the bag of garlic in his hand as he walked closer. "Stop...please...don't...come...any closer!" Freya gasped, falling on her hands and knees. Clint realized his mistake and quickly ran to the kitchen and shoved the garlic cloves into a large salad spinner, closing it tightly.

He washed his hands until they were raw then ran over, holding Freya's shoulders. She was starting to feel better, because the smell of garlic was no longer clogging her nose. She took a deep breath and looked up at Clint, who sighed in relief.

"Geez, I didn't know that would affect you so much, sorry." Clint said when she stood up. "That's okay. I didn't even know I was part ghost until now." Freya laughed a little, rubbing the back of her neck.

-------------------------------------------------------- time skip -----------------------------------------------------------

"There." Sam set a jar of salt on the table in the living room. Everyone looked at him, confused. "What's this for?" Tony asked. "To keep the ghosts out." Sam smiled. Everyone rolled their eyes playfully before turning back to the TV.

"You forgot you are living with one." Freya choked out. "I think my dna is half-ghost." She said with a raspy voice. She fell to the ground, coughing. Bucky worried knelt down next to her. He shook her, trying to keep her awake. Sam quickly jumped up and closed the jar.

Once the jar was closed, the smell subsided from Freya's nose. She looked up to see everyone looking at her worriedly. "Note to self, don't put out garlic or salt." Clint muttered, and everyone turned to look at him. "What do you mean by garlic?" Nat asked, suspicious.

"Well, Scott and I were putting up Halloween decorations today. I took out a bag of garlic cloves to hang it from the ceiling, when Scarlett fell to the floor gasping for air." Clint explained, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

Bucky glared at him like he was going to punch his guts out. Freya had recovered, and started laughing. Everyone turned to her, confused. "Is this a side effect ghosts have?" Steve asked, slightly terrified. Everyone shrugged.

Freya wiped tears from her eyes. "To answer your question, probably. But that's not the main reason I'm laughing." Freya sighed. "What is the main reason?" Bucky asked, raising an eyebrow. Freya looked at him. "You!" She giggled.

Bucky looked at Steve, giving him his signature confused face. Steve shrugged, but Clint was trying his best to hold back a laugh. "You... totally just looked like...you were going to kill Clint! You're such an over protective...dad!" Freya wheezed out between laughs. Bucky facepalmed.

Nat burst out laughing. A few others did, too. Eventually Bucky couldn't keep a straight face and started laughing, too. The others finally calmed down. Freya took a deep breath, and smiled through spited eyes at Bucky. "Love ya, dad." She smirked. Bucky scoffed and hugged her. "Love ya too squirt." He nuzzled his head in her neck and blew raspberries. Freya squeaked and pushed him away.

Winter Ghost Vol. 2 | MARVELOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora