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Freya walked into the Avengers' Compound that evening with a wrapped shoulder with a rod in it. She couldn't move her shoulder, so her right arm hung limply to her side. She stepped into the elevator, exhausted.

    Once she had set her belt and jacket on her bed, she headed right to the main commons. Once she stepped out of the elevator, all eyes landed on her shoulder. Bucky stood up, concerned.

    "What happened, Freya? You okay?" Bucky walked over, very concerned. "HYDRA attacked today. It's just my shoulder, it'll be healed by tomorrow evening." Freya assured him, a little annoyed. "So I heard. Fury told me the Master was able to control you again." Steve added curiously. "I think for a little bit, yes. But then I heard a voice in my head, and suddenly I came out of it." Freya replied calmly.

    Freya lay on her bed that night, deep in thought. She was trying to remember the voice, to figure out who it could've been. Bucky? No, it didn't sound like his, or any person she knew. Freya wondered. Then gave up, deciding to get some sleep.

    She woke up in the middle of the night from the pain in her shoulder. She staggered out of bed and headed to the commons to try to find some Tylenol. She found some in the cupboard, and took the correct amount of medicine. She just swallowed the pill when she heard footsteps behind her.

    "Freya?" Carol asked sleepily. "Sorry, Carol. I was just getting some Tylenol." Freya answered quickly before walking back to the elevator. Carol's face darkened. "Let me take a look." Carol stopped her and turned on the light, examining Freya's shoulder. "It looks a little red. Shouldn't you tell Bruce? It could be infected." Carol warned. "I'm sure it's just healing. Everything has to get worse before it gets better." Freya yawned as she stepped into the elevator, leaving Carol in the main commons. Carol sighed and grabbed a glass of water before heading to bed.

    Freya woke that morning with her shoulder in a lot of pain, but ignored it. She couldn't let any injury slow her down as Deputy Director of SHIELD, no way. She carefully pulled over a loose hoodie and headed down to make breakfast.

    This morning, Freya made eggs and pancakes for everyone. She placed 20 pancakes on a large electric griddle and scrambled 20 eggs at a time on a big pan on the stovetop. While she was cooking, the others slowly began filing in. "Here. Let me help." Steve offered as he scrambled the eggs while Freya flipped the pancakes. "Thanks." She said while concentrating on flipping the pancakes. Once everything was done, she put the eggs in a big serving bowl with a spoon and placed the pancakes in a few stacks next to it.

    Freya stood in the kitchen while the others grabbed their breakfast. Freya's shoulder pain came back, so she checked the time. "Darn. It hasn't been four hours yet." Freya decided to wait another 30 minutes before taking another Tylenol. She wasn't feeling eggs or pancakes this morning, so she just grabbed an apple and sat at the table.

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