13|Former HYDRA Agents Part 1

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Freya and Bucky circled the ring, anticipating each other's every move. They were in the gym in the Avengers' Compound. The Avengers were practicing hand-to-hand combat. Bucky dived for Freya, but Freya stood there, tangibility turned on. (ability to penetrate matter, like walking through walls) Bucky stood up and waited until her penetration could no longer sustain, but was surprised when Freya turned it off and instead kicked him in the face. He stumbled, but quickly recovered, the two circling.

    It was the same pattern, Freya ducked while Bucky dived, or vise-versa. Until Bucky found an opening, and slammed Freya to the ground. Freya rolled away just in time before Bucky's foot came down where her chest was. She leaped through the air and dove over him, tripping him and bringing him down. She tried to put him in an armlock, but he pushed up, loosening her grip.

    He grabbed her wrist while she was on her back, and pushed down. Freya pushed up, but Bucky was stronger. He pushed her arms down, but she kicked at his stomach. He locked her legs in place, and after a long struggle, she finally gave in. He helped her up and she brushed herself off. Nat jumped in the ring and placed a green cuff on Freya's ankle and ordered the two to spar again.

    Freya swerved, but Bucky was bigger, and harder to bring down. She would try to trip him, but then he would land a punch. Freya backed up towards the corner, and Bucky closed in, thinking he had the upper hand. When he was only a foot away from her nose, she flattened to the ground and kicked up and kicked his nose, causing him to stumble a little. She took her chance to put him into an armlock. It was hard for her to hold him down, and he kept trying to loosen her grip.

    He loosened her grip, and picked her up over his head and slammed her to the ground. While she was getting her breath back, he put her in a headlock until she finally gave in. When he let go, he patted her back as if to say 'good job'. She coughed for air, but quickly recovered and scrambled out of the ring.

    "Good sparring. Freya, you had the disadvantage by sparring with him, with or without powers. Bucky, get that nose checked out." Nat ordered before stepping in to spar with Clint. "Sorry about that nose!" Freya teased as she walked out of the gym. Bucky sighed before heading to the medbay.

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