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Freya completely forgot to get her shoulder checked out, she was so busy already. She woke the next day and felt really strange. She ignored it and headed to the main commons to prepare breakfast. She thought for sure her shoulder would be healed by now, but she figured it could be slowed because she was so busy.

    As she stepped out of the elevator, she stumbled. She quickly picked herself up and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. She was able to move the items from the fridge or pantry just fine. She made breakfast just fine, too. Freya drank a glass of water, thinking she was just tired and dehydrated.

    "Freya, you got some major circles under your eyes. You seem strained." Bucky cautioned as he walked into the main commons for breakfast. "I know. I'll be fine." Freya quickly assured him. Freya looked at her hand, and noticed it was shaking. "Weird. I'm not nervous or cold." Freya whispered. Then, her vision went dark.

    "Bucky, I can't see." Freya said, confused. "You can't see? How can that be?" Bucky was just as confused as her. "Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?" Steve asked. "I can't see anything!" Freya fretted. "Ok. Hold on. Grab the counter." Bucky instructed. Freya nodded.

    Bucky came back with Bruce, who had a stretcher. Bucky lifted her on, then wheeled her to the elevator. "I'm not experienced enough for this. I'll go ahead and call Dr. Quinn. She'll know what to do. Bruce told her as they reached the medbay. Freya nodded.

    After examining Freya, Dr. Quinn found the problem. She removed a small crystal, which held poison, from her shoulder. "In that bullet that hurt your shoulder, there was a small piece of this crystal filled with poison inside, which fell out. You are suffering from poisoning." Dr. Quinn explained. "I'll let SHIELD know you are unavailable today." Bucky assured her as he left the room. Freya sighed with relief.

    "Thanks to your accelerated healing, you should be healed in one-to-two days." Freya was glad she wouldn't be away for too long. Freya lay still as Dr. Quinn carefully fixed her shoulder and patched it up. Then, Dr. Quinn grabbed a needle and inserted some medicine into it. "This will help with the effects of poison." Dr. Quinn explained as she inserted the needle into Freya's arm. Freya held her breath as the needle was inserted and taken out as quickly as it came. "Oh, sorry! I forgot about your experience with...needles." Dr. Quinn apologized. "No, that's ok. It's gotten better." Freya assured her.

Once Dr. Quinn finished, she ordered Freya to rest. Freya nodded her thanks. "Hey, Freya. How are you feeling?" Bucky asked as he stepped into the medbay just after Dr. Quinn left. "Better. But we need to figure out a way to counter this new weapon HYDRA has. I also need to check to make sure no one else was poisoned by the bullets." Freya answered, clustered. "We can worry about that later. You need to rest." Bucky gently pushed her back down, signaling for her to rest. Freya yawned, then fell asleep almost immediately.

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