16|A Lost Daughter

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   Bucky woke with a start from a dream he had. He heard a baby crying, it was a baby girl. But he wasn't sure who she was. He also saw a woman, rocking the baby. He recognized that woman, she was his wife for a while before he went off to war. He shrugged and decided to try to go back to sleep.

    He closed his eyes for a moment, and a birth certificate popped into his head. He read the name "Freya May Barnes". Then he remembered. That was the name of his daughter, who was born shortly before Bucky went off to war. He tried to remember her face, but he only remembered the beginnings of golden brown hair and ice-blue eyes. He never saw her again. He figured she was either alive today, or has already died. He desperately wanted to find his lost daughter. He wanted to know she was alright.

    "Steve!" Bucky called. Steve turned around immediately. "Bucky? What is it?" He asked, concerned. Bucky took a deep breath and sat on the barstool next to Steve. "Steve, I had a dream. It was about a baby girl, crying in a woman's arms. Then there was a birth certificate. It read 'Freya May Barnes'." Bucky said, panting. "Bucky, are you saying you have a daughter, and she could be out in the world right now, waiting for her father?" Steve asked excitedly. "Yes! We need to find her, Steve!" Bucky pleaded. "Don't worry, Buck. We will." Steve assured him.

    Steve and Bucky typed up the full name on a database with files of every known living person. When they found the file, they clicked on it, hopeful to get updated information. But there was hardly any information, and there was no information after the age of five. "At the age of five, mysteriously kidnapped, never found." Bucky laid down his head and cried. Steve rubbed his back, feeling sorry for his friend. "She's...gone..." Bucky rasped. "I know, Buck. I know." Steve sighed before leaving the room.

    That night at supper, the Avengers all came to sit at the table. As Freya walked to sit by Bucky, Bucky stared at her, which made Freya stop. "Bucky? Is something wrong? She asked." Bucky shook himself. "No, sorry." He patted her seat for her to sit down. She nodded.

    After supper, Bucky sat at the table, deep in thought. He looked over at Freya. She had golden-brown hair, and had ice-blue eyes. But he couldn't imagine his daughter with powers, so he shook his head. But what if I didn't know, or if HYDRA gave them to her, like they gave them to me? Maybe she cryo-froze like me? Bucky's head voice argued. He had a point, it was too much of coincidence. But he decided to wait a few days or weeks before asking her, he wanted to still try to figure out if there was someone else who could possibly be his lost daughter.

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